Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Litter-free Bus Service


Litter-Free Bus Services
On 27 July 2007, Mrs. Lim Hwee Hua, Minister of State for Finance and Transport, launched the “Litter-Free Bus Services” Programme at Ang Mo Kio Bus Interchange, a joint initiative by SBS Transit Ltd, SMRT Buses Ltd. and the National Environment Agency (NEA).
Identified as one of the most littered public places in NEA’s six-month Litter Behaviour Study, bus interchanges and its services will now benefit from this programme aimed at involving key stakeholders (i.e., bus operators, bus commuters, bus captains and shop tenants) in keeping bus service premises litter-free. As an extension of “Singapore, Litter-Free” Campaign, this programme is rolled out to 21 bus interchanges and more than 3,650 buses island wide.
With everyone taking ownership of his/her litter and keeping bus service premises litter-free, commuters can look forward to a cleaner and more comfortable bus travelling experience.
The Launch of the “Litter-Free” Bus Services was in July 2007.

Information Text: The Internet

Comprehension questions

1.   What are the things that a person can do when he/she logs on to the Internet?

2.   Which word from the second paragraph tells you that the activities that one can carry out on the Internet are ‘not real’?

3.   Why did the author call the Web a ‘gigantic library’?

4.   How can the Web actually promote the sale of more books?

5.   Do you believe that hardcopy books will be replaced by the computers one day?  Why?

6.   How can one make sure that he/she uses the Internet in moderation?

7.   How would you feel if your best friend preferred the computer to your company?

8.   What would happen if the usage of the Internet by school children was not moderated?