Grammar Revision updated 22Aug2014

Subject-Verb Agreement :

Present Perfect Tense:

Interested vs Interesting :

so & such:


If / Unless?

Mixed Conditionals

Passive Voice:

Phrasal Verbs:

Forms of the verbs (Irregular Verbs) :

Direct Object:

Indirect Object:


Indirect Speech Quiz:


Confusing Words:

1. (Qn Tag) The girls jog at Bishan Park every other day, don’t they?
                    The boys have not completed their work, have they?
                    Susan and Ali are friends, aren't they?
                    She didn't eat the food, did she?
                    She fell into the drain, didn't she?

2. (Conditional if) If you see him, will you ask him to call me?
                              If I were you, I would not act so rashly.
                              If I had known this, I would never have done it.
                              If he had been caught earlier, many lives would not have been ruined.
3. (S-V Agree) All/Both + plural verb

4. (S-V Agree) All the participants but one attend the seminar.

5. (S-V Agree) Ellen, together with the boys, / Ellen, like the boys, is /has /does/ goes
                         The boys, together with Susan, are/ have/ do/ go/ like

6. (S-V Agree) The boys, as well as Gillian, / with Gillian, are /have / do / go
                         The boy, as well as Gillian, is /has / does / goes

7. (S-V Agree) Each/ Every/ someone/anyone/ No one / Not one/ Nobody is /has / does /goes

8. (S-V Agree) Either of the boys /Neither of the boys is /has /does /goes

9. (S-V Agree) Neither Susan nor the girls are /have /do /go
                         Either Susan or the girls are /have /do /go
                         Neither the girls nor Ali is / has / does / goes
                         Either the girls or Ali is / has / does / goes

10. Plural Countable Nouns are always followed by plural verbs: many, few, some, a lot of , a number of, a great deal of e.g. Few cats are kept by the Chinese.

11. Uncountable Nouns are always followed by singular verbs: much, a little, some, a lot of, a great amount e.g. News is spreading fast.

12. (Tense) As Mr Tan was walking to the gate, he heard the emergency bell ring/ringing.

13. (Active / Passive Voice) Nobody cleaned the board. The board was not cleaned.

14. The better of the two boys won the prize. (good)

15. Tom is neater (neat) than Ali.

16. Of all the children, Susan is the worst (bad).

17. (Relative Pronoun) Mr Leong whose son had gone abroad to study bought a condominium recently.

18. (Emphatic Pronouns) I did this myself; You did this yourself. By ourselves; by themselves.

19. (Conjunctions) Although/Though/Even though Mrs Syed was busy with her work, she came to help out.

20. (Conjunctions) Despite/In spite of Mrs Syed’s business with her work, she came to help out.

21. (Conjunctions)Despite /In spite of being busy with her work, Mrs Syed came to help out.

22. (Verb of Perception) He made me cry every time he played with me.
                                        I saw him cross the road in a hurry just now.

(Prepositions/ Phrasal Verbs)
22. according to
23. called for
24. come round/come across/ come into/come down
25. delighted for/ delighted with
26. difference between/ differ from
27. similar to
28. compare with /comparison to
29. dislike for
30. divided between
31. engaged to
32. fond of
33. liking for
34. married to
35. peel off
36. interested in
37. related to
38. summoned by
39. regard for
40. rely on
41. run into
42. similar to
43. thought of
44. withdraw from
45. worried for
46. interfere with
47. protect from
48. prevent from
49. conscious of
50. approve of

1. The performance was a success. The students had rehearsed for three months.
The performance which the studentshad rehearsed for three months was a success.

2. Alice had knitted her mother a shawl. Her mother lost the shawl.
Alice's mother lost the shawl that Alice had knitted for her.


3. Have you met the new neighbour who has just moved in yesterday.