Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Composition checklist

Composition checklist
Name of checker:_________________
Checked for:________________


=) OR =| OR =(

Description of surroundings

Description of characters:


Clear storyline

Past tense used correctly

Present tense used for dialogue (if any)

Used correctly in main story

Used correctly in dialogue

Vocabulary for 'A Pickpocket'

A Pick Pocket
Whenever Arabelle enters a train, she would be instantly reminded of the incident that happened to her a few days ago. Arabelle was a middle-aged lady and had a rich, doting husband who earned a lot from work in a week; a vain daughter and a clever son. She was thus very rich and shows off her expensive items to her friends almost all the time.
            The red doors opened swiftly and Arabelle stepped into the train. It was occupied as students and working adults were inside after a day's hard work. Countless commuters boarded and stepped out of the train hurriedly. All the seats were preoccupied and many people were holding on to the straps on the ceiling. Seeing some straps that were unused, Arabelle strolled briskly towards them and held on to one of them. Unknown to her, an unshaven haggard-looking man who was standing next to her was actually a pickpocket searching for his mark, his next victimHe had a scar on his face and he had bloodshot eyes. He also had an eagle tattoo on his arm, which matched perfectly with his old grey T-shirt and faded navy blue jeans. Many who saw him would think that he was a common man but he was not. This man was the most elusive pickpocket who was a 'professional' in his trade.
            Unknowingly, Arabelle had dozed off while waiting for the train to arrive at the station.  "Here's my next victim! Hehehe! She always boasts about her expensive items…now she would have none of them anymore!" whispered the pickpocket as quietly as he could to himself, smiling cunningly and looking slyly at Arabelle. Smirking, he looked around suspiciously before slipping her hand into her bag and discreetly taking out a branded purse and her handphone. "Haha! The latest 3G handphone! A branded purse! Hmmm...let's look inside the! A thousand dollars! I'm rich!" the pickpocket exclaimed. The train soon arrived at the station and he ran out as fast as lightning.
            Meanwhile, a school girl, Margaret, had seen everything the pickpocket did. Shocked but reacting fast, she went to report to the station manager. Arabelle, who had woken up a short while before Margaret reported  the incident, was screaming "Help! My things are missing!" and was frantically searching for her items.
            When Margaret approached her to inform her of the incident, Arabelle started to scream hysterically again. After calming her down, the station manager went with Arabelle and Margaret to comb the whole station for the pickpocket. They were determined to stop his inconsiderate actions once and for all. All of a sudden, Margaret gritted her teeth and stared right ahead at a man who was sitting on a bench, puffing nonchanantly on a cigarette. It was the pickpocket! Secretly, the station manager, Margaret and Arabelle crept towards him.
            When the pickpocket saw the trio, his face turned pale and he turned to run. After a long tiring chase, the station manager pounced on him and handed him to the police, whom Arabelle had called when the station manager was going after that guilty pickpocket. The pickpocket was handcuffed and led away by the police.
            Margaret was commended by the police and also got a token of appreciation from Arabelle. Hearing them sing her praises, Margaret blushed with pleasure and modestly thanked them. She was on cloud nine that day.
            However, what about Arabelle? Her mind was now still filled with images of this incident. She regretted showing off her items and vowed to be more alert and careful next time.
            I advise you, do not show off your expensive things or it might get stolen. You might even suffer worse consequences; the robber might also be armed with weapons. You should be more careful and not to be too proud but be modest. This goes the same for exam results. If you show off, your classmates would think you are too conceited and complacent; and might not want to be friends with you. 

It was a bright and sunny Friday morning .Natalie went to the Bishan MRT station to her friend's birthday party . She was big enough to go by herself , 10 . The MRT station and the platform was crowded as it was at the rush hour . '' Please stand behind the yellow line ..... '' the announcement went . The train arrived in a few minutes later . Natalie walked to the passage way where there were lesser people . The doors opened swiftly as the commuters went out and she stepped in .
A few minutes passed when Natalie saw a suspicious looking man who was standing beside an old lady and was staring at the old lady's handbag . Natalie kept her eyes nailed onto the guy and was also thinking what he might do next on . She suddenly saw the guy slip his hand into the old lady's handbag and taking out a new branded ' Suisui ' blue wallet with keys in it . As the train was crowded and noisy , just like it would be when you are in a wet market , the old lady was not aware of what had happened and was too tired , she felt like dozing off . Natalie did not know what to do next as she was totally confused .
When she saw the pickpocket going to alight the train hurriedly , she shouted out as loud as possible , '' Pickpocket !! '' Everyone was staring at the pickpocket as well as Natalie for a second and three guys dashed through the crowd as to stop the pickpocket .
Two minutes had passed and two policemen had arrived and handcuffed the pickpocket . The two policemen , the pickpocket , Natalie and the old lady went to a nearby police station after the train had reached Braddell station . The policemen investigated the case and charged him for pickpocketing and was put in the jail for three months and fined $1000 . Mrs Phay , the old lady , thanked Natalie repeatedly as she had gotten back her brand new blue wallet . The police had even awarded Natalie the '' Good Person Award '' in gold .
Zhangde Pupil’s Compo (2007)

It was a bright and cozy afternoon. Jasmine was going to take a bus to Jurong East. She waited for the bus for a few minutes and she boarded the bus when it arrived. The bus was crowded and packed with commuters.

       After a few stops, a youth dressed in a red shirt and blue plants boarded the bus. He had a pockmarked face and greasy long hair. He looked very nervous. He turned his head to and fro. He spotted a man looking furious and he saw a wallet in the man's back pocket. Suddenly, the youth bumped into the man. The youth quickly took out the wallet without realizing that Jasmine had seen everything.

       "Hey, there is a pickpocket! He's wearing a red shirt and blue pants." The man turned his head and saw the youth running off the bus and escaping. Nobody helped. The people on the bus were busy doing their own things. The victim, Mr. Lim, ran as fast as he could to catch the youth but it was too late. The bus had already started to move. Mr. Lim told the bus driver to open the bus-door as he wanted to catch the youth who had picked his wallet. The bus driver did not believe Mr. Lim and said that the bus had to reach the next stop before he could alight.

       Mr. Lim was so angry that he pulled the lever of the emergency exit and it opened. He ran down the bus immediately. He ran and searched the nearby area but the youth had disappeared. Mr. Lim was very disappointed. When he was looking for a place to rest, he saw a wallet. It was his wallet! The youth must have dropped it without realizing it. Mr. Lim was so happy that he bought an expensive watch that cost $108 for his son.

Vocabulary for Pick-Pocket

  1. Countless commuters boarded and stepped out of the train hurriedly.
  2. Unknown to her, an unshaven haggard-looking man who was standing next to her was actually a pickpocket, searching for his mark, his next victim.
  3. He had a scar on his face and he had bloodshot eyes. He also had an eagle tattoo on his arm, which matched perfectly with his old grey T-shirt and faded navy blue jeans. Many who saw him would think that he was a common man but he was not. This man was the most elusive pickpocket who was a 'professional' in his trade.
  4. had dozed off while waiting for the train to arrive
  5. whispered the pickpocket as quietly as he could to himself, smiling cunningly and looking slyly at Arabelle.
  6. Smirking, he looked around suspiciously before slipping her hand into her bag and discreetly taking out a branded purse and her handphone. "Haha! The latest 3G handphone! A branded purse! Hmmm...let's look inside the! A thousand dollars! I'm rich!" the pickpocket exclaimed.
  7. Shocked but reacting fast, she went to report to the station manager.
  8. Frantically looking for her things
  9. scream hysterically
  10. to comb the whole station for the pickpocket
  11.  Determined to stop his inconsiderate actions once and for all
  12. All of a sudden, Margaret gritted her teeth and stared right ahead at a man who was puffing nonchalantly on a cigarette.
  13.  Secretly, they crept towards him.
  14.  his face turned pale and he turned to run
  15. long tiring chase
  16. pounced on him
  17. a token of appreciation
  18. Hearing them sing her praises, Margaret blushed with pleasure and modestly thanked them.
  19. She was on cloud nine that day.
  20. Her mind was now still filled with images of this incident.
  21. She regretted showing off her items and vowed to be more alert and careful next time.

Vocabulary for Lift Breakdown

Vocabulary for Lift Breakdown
  1. The evening clouds were like pink froth bubbling in the indigo skies.
  2. They were zooming like falcons into the lift from the nearby playground.
  3. They were saturated with happiness because they had an exhilarating game.
  4. The trio charged into the elevator like raging bulls as they had challenged one another to a race.
  5. The moment the lift door closed, an impish smirk cracked across their cherubic faces.
  6. Jack pressed all the buttons and John was prancing and jumping in the lift like an agitated monkey.
  7. They thought that their mischief was well contained in the miniscule lift.
  8. All three of them were oblivious to the danger they were putting themselves into.
  9. Shock reigned, turning Zack, John and May’s faces pallid. Their eyes bulged in terror. Their blood turned purple and their jaws dropped. Their hearts hammered their ribcages wildly. They were rooted to the ground and froze in consternation.
  10. Before they could regain their composure, the lights started flickering.
  11. A dead silence reigned in the miniscule lift.
  12. The lift had been out of order.
  13. May had tears in her eyes and she stayed close to both her brothers for reassurance.
  14. Oxygen seemed to run low and the lift was stuffy.
  15. They were shell-shocked.
  16. Suddenly, the lights went out! The whole lift was pitch-black.
  17. May went berserk and so did Zack and John. Out of anxiety, they reached for the buttons and ended up scratching each other like wild cats.
  18. Poor May was totally freaked out and she was crying rivers of tears.
  19. They hung their heads so low to apologise for stomping and jumping in the lift that they nearly touched their knees.
  20. I bulldozed my way into the lift.
  21. To my horror, the lift jerked violently and came to a halt.
  22. I plunged into darkness like in a blackout.
  23. Panic-stricken, I started pounding my fists on the lift doors.
  24. Fumbling in the dark, I managed to identify the emergency button. Then I punched it repeatedly which sounded the thunderous alarm.
  25. A wave of anxiety hit me.
  26. The darkness and silence was eerie. 
  27. My uniform was sticking to my body from perspiration. I was starting to feel claustrophobic, my imagination playing tricks on my mind.
  28. I felt fresh feelings of panic and steeled myself to wait for rescue as calmly as I could.
  29. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps, then a thud, followed by the sound of metal clashing.
  30. Immediately, I dashed out of the lift, delighted to see daylight after being trapped in the lift in total darkness.

2 stories to choose 1 to tell in Term 3

The Girl with Only One Arm
There was a girl who was born without a right arm. On her ninth birthday, she asked her parents if she could join a karate club. They were delighted by the idea and the girl quickly became a regular at the local club. The girl wanted to compete in a tournament and asked her master, “Is this possible?”
The master replied, “Yes! Of course it is possible… but only if you listen carefully and trust me.” The master taught the girl one move and one move only. The girl practised it diligently but after a while she was worried. The other girls in the club were learning a range of moves and she only had one. She asked her master to teach her other moves but her master refused. He urged the girl to keep practising that one move.
On the day of the tournament, the girl won the first round of the competition and then the next round and then the one after that! Until eventually… she won the tournament!
The girl was baffled! How did she do it? “Master,” she asked timidly, still confused. “How did I, a girl with only one arm and only one move, win against the other competitors who have a range of other moves?”
The master chuckled, smiling at her. “It is only one move but it is a very tricky move. There is only one defence against it. You have to grab the attacker by the right arm.”
(246 words)

Waiting by the Tree
Long ago, there was a lazy rice farmer. One day he took a break in the shade of a tree at the edge of his rice field after working in the hot sun.
Suddenly, there was a loud thump! A rabbit had run into the tree! It had been trying to run away from a fox.
The farmer was thrilled at this unexpected good luck! He picked up the rabbit and took it home, forgetting about the work in the rice fields. He cleaned the rabbit and cooked a delicious rabbit stew for dinner.
The next morning, he took the rabbit skin to the market and sold it. The farmer was very happy and thought, “If I can find a rabbit every day, I will have delicious food to eat and more money than I can make working as a farmer! Then I don’t have to work in the hot sun anymore!”
So the next day, the farmer did not go to work. He simply sat under the same tree to wait for another rabbit to come by.
However, there was no rabbit running into the tree!
He waited under the tree for a rabbit every day, completely ignoring his rice fields. “You should work on your rice fields,” persuaded his friends but the farmer refused to listen. “Why should I? If I can get a rabbit every day it would be much better!”
In the end, he had nothing – neither a rabbit nor rice.

(245 words)

Master Storytelling videos

(How To Tell A Story: Quick-Learn Storytelling Techniques)
(Storytelling with puppets)
(Storytelling with hand shadow puppets)
(Storytelling with shadow puppets)
(Storytelling using drawing)
(Storytelling with props)
(Storytelling with some singing, instruments and props)
(Storytelling + Singing)

Science Websites


Light and shadows

Heat and temperature

Effects of Heat


Life cycles of animals

Life cycles of plants

The 3 states of matter

n   Water and ice
n   Particles of the 3 states of matter
n   States of Matter: Solid, Liquid and Gas




Your amazing body

The digestive system

Plants and their parts


Classifying things

Living and non-living things


Classifying animals

Fungi and bacteria

Exploring materials