Saturday, September 16, 2017

Bad and ugly characters

1. The sinister looking man stared hard at the two boys.
2. Two logs of hair stuck out of his head like horns. He looked like a devil.
3. She had a mean(nasty) smile on her face.
4. The boy had a greasy face and buck teeth.
5. He looked at them nastily and sneered, "Watch it!"
6. He was so dirty and smelly that Alice had to hold her nose.
7. There was a scar on his brow and skull-shaped tattoo on his right hand.
8. The red faced man had bushy eyebrows that wiggled when he talked.
9. He looked fearfully at the big, hefty man in the dark suit.
10. He was a nasty looking man, dirty and rude. He slouched down the street, looking neither left or right.