Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Unit 1 : Heartbeats in the Dark

Words associated with fear.
11.    Gasped
22.    Horrified
33.    Petrified
44.    Panic filled
55.    Throat was dry
66.    Gripped by fear
77.    Completely numb
88.    Knees knocking wildly
99.    His mouth was so dry that he could not speak
110. Stood rooted to the ground
111. The silence deepened
112. Paralysed with fright
113. Heart pounded fiercely
114.  A look of horror on his face
115. Trembling/ shaking with fear
116. Dumbfounded/ speechless with fear
117. Heart skipped a beat
118. Heart was pumping like an African drum
119. A chill went down my spine
220. Knees went soft like jelly
221. Cowered in a corner
222. Was at a loss for words

          Sam squatted on the floor with his knees bent. He asked me to climb on his back to get on the tree. I said, "Can you take my weight? I am heavy." "Yes, I will try," Sam replied. I muttered to myself, "Don’t regret it, Sam!" I stepped on his back and heard some buzzing noise. I thought it was Sam moaning so I continued to climb up the tree.
            When I reached the branch, I was about to take the rambutans when I heard Sam saying, "Edwin, be careful of the bees on top of you." I looked up and was visibly shaken when I saw the bees. I looked down and saw Sam running away. I accidentally broke the branch and fell down. The branch dropped on my leg and I couldn’t move.

A light breeze caressed my cheeks as I stepped into the park. I breathed in gulp after gulp of cool, fresh air as I enjoyed the wide variety of lush, tropical plants spread out around me. I could hear the birds singing and the crickets chirping. Being surrounded by nature was pure bliss. 

A group of students and a teacher were attacked at Labrador Park by a swarm of aggressive bees.
Swatting the bees will result in the crushed bee emitting a chemical scent that would attract other bees to attack.
Pest-control experts say that flailing your arms or killing a bee will only provoke the bees.
Hanging by just a thin thread, a beehive hung precariously on the tree branch.
Without a backward glance, I scuttled off, heart hammering a mile a minute.
I let out a shriek and took to my heels.
Screaming incoherently, I ran towards the pond – the only means of escape from the persistent bees.
Fear lent wings to my feet as I ran helter-skelter from the bees.
The elderly woman suffered stings on her face and arms and she was taken to the hospital for treatment.
He hunkered down in a corner and covered his nose and mouth.

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