Saturday, May 10, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

P5 Vocabulary for Compo Themes

Theme on Good Deed
A Good Deed
Aunt’s Stay  with Us/ Heroic Act
  1. Stomach was churning
  2. Clutching his abdomen tightly
  3. Weaved his way through the crowded shopping mall
  4. Like packed snow with shoppers milling around
  5. Jamboree
  6. Jovial chatters filled the air
  7. Bawling at the top of their voices
  8. Synergy of the boisterous crowd and the merriment all around
  9. Stomach churned …violently
  10. Urgency for the loo
  11. Running as fast as his legs could carry him
  12. Got his act together
  13. Miniscule space
  14. Hit the arcade
  15. Sound reverberated
  16. Craned his neck high and low
  17. Contemplated seriously
  18. Knitting his brows together earnestly
  19. Weighed out his conscience and his desire
  20. Little gadget came alive
  21. After some major dithering
  22. Fretful
  23. Thanked Tim copiously
  24. A dashing gentleman
  25. Walked towards Tim in steady strides
  26. A slight tinge of disinclination
  27. Being a boy of integrity
  28. Beamed a proud grin
  29. Meandered through the crowd
  30. Noise reached a deafening level
  1. Sun rays filtered through the curtains
  2. Lazed in bed
  3. Smiled like a Cheshire cat lapping a bowl of milk
  4. Happiness was short-lived
  5. A nightmare to be with
  6. Bespectacled thin wiry woman
  7. High-pitched nasal voice
  8. A tinge of warning
  9. Felt cornered; cornered him at a dead end
  10. Cutting me off
  11. Padded
  12. Had a brainwave
  13. Face lit up in delight
  14. Impish mind
  15. Formulated a plan
  16. Sashayed
  17. Perpetual
  18. Saccharine voice
  19. Apologised fervently
  20. Stifling night
  21. Oblivious to
  22. Stormed out
  23. Towing her bags in her wake
  24. Froze on the spot
  25. Distinctively ferocious
  26. Fear pulsated in him
  27. Heart palpitated against his ribs
  28. Growl escalated to an ominous snarl
  29. Palms turned clammy
  30. Flabbergasted

Theme on Against The Law
  1. day blossomed like a bright and lovely flower
  2. warm rays of the sun filtered through the canopy of leaves
  3. bidding farewell
  4. screeched to a halt
  5. leaped out of the vehicle with great agility
  6. befuddled
  7. put up a tough struggle
  8. pair of burly arms that encased him
  9. fear gripped the pits of his stomach
  10. journey was treacherously long and bumpy
  11. rough handling
  12. turning blue in the face
  13. ashen-faced
  14. slowly regained his orientation
  15. dawned upon
  16. a dilapidated old room
  17. malodorous stench of garbage permeated the air
  18. shuddered at the thought
  19. creepy crawlers swarming
  20. threatened malevolently
  21. chuckling in glee at their imminent windfall
  22. fatigue finally overwhelmed
  23. jolted awake
  24. tumultuous commotion
  25. uncanny silence
  26. justice had finally been served

A Robbery
  1. bellowed
  2. stormed into the bank
  3. impatient frowns creased their foreheads
  4. for the umpteenth time
  5. flustered
  6. quivering in trepidation
  7. panic-striken
  8. tension hung in the air
  9. lashed out threats
  10. brandished his knife
  11. shuddering in fear
  12. huddle in a corner
  13. eyes widened in awe
  14. excitement bubbled inside me
  15. chimney of money
  16. moment of jubilation
  17. made a dash
  18. everything happened in a blurry
  19. mumbled irately
  20. rummaging
  21. threatened with baleful intent
  22. mouths agape in shock
  23. register all that had just transpired
  24. ear-splitting shriek
  25. losing track of everything
  26. staunch the flow of blood pooling ceaselessly

Theme on Misdemeanour
Shoplifting / Stealing
1.       chirpy voice
2.       quench the thirst
3.       dehydrated throat
4.       every passing minute
5.       beckoning me to reach for it
6.       mustered up all my courage
7.       in that frantic moment
8.       took to my heels
9.       heart was pounding wildly
10.   hollered
11.   sending shivers down my spine
12.   in hot pursuit
13.   had daggers in his eyes
14.   hazardous road
15.   whizzing past
16.   dexterously
17.   dodged
18.   bracing the killing impact of the car
19.   incoherently
20.   screech to a halt
21.   in bewilderment
22.   flabbergasted
23.   writhing in excruciating pain
24.   in hot soup
25.   paralysed with guilt
26.   my heart was filled with remorse
27.   casualties
28.   besieged
1.       Casting its intense heat everywhere
2.       Parched and famished
3.       Catch my breath
4.       Subdued laughter
5.       Curiosity was immediately aroused
6.       Drawn towards the source
7.       Caught sight of some movements
8.       Stood there in disbelief
9.       Indignantly
10.    Dishevelled hair
11.   Confront
12.   Reprimand
13.   Saw red
14.   Steam was blowing out of my ears
15.   Glowered at me menacingly
16.   Stomped
17.   Break into a run
18.   Snarled
19.    Fists clenched
20.   Rammed punches into my stomach
21.   Excruciating pain shot through my body
22.   Thanked my lucky stars
23.   Caught red-handed
24.   Duly punished
25.   Thrashing
26.   commended

Theme on Incidents In School
School Bullies
  1. as boisterous as a cavalcade
  2. cutlery clanged
  3. jam-packed and buzzing with all the sporting activities
  4. serving his detention
  5. sulking like a spoilt child
  6. desperately yearned
  7. beckoning persistently
  8. submitted to the temptation
  9. threw all caution to the wind
  10. munching on sour grapes
  11. as dark as a dungeon
  12. perking his head out for a quick scan
  13. insidious
  14. notorious
  15. temperatures immediately dropped to sub-zero
  16. chill in his spine
  17. knuckles turn white from clutching
  18. gloom of the night
  19. grim of death
  20. growled with hostility
  21. grossly out-sized and outnumbered
  22. meagre amount
  23. incited the wrath
  24. unleashed more verbal threats
  25. seizing the golden opportunity
  26. tumbling to the ground upon one another like dominoes
  27. felt triumphant at having justice prevail
  28. portentously
  29. burst out in tears, sobbing unconsciously
  30. panting breathlessly as tears fell liberally down her cheeks
  31. screamed their guts out
  32. none of them dared to move a muscle
A Conspiracy
1.       resounded
2.       anger burnt into the lifeless water cooler
3.       head was buried in their books
4.       loud racket
5.       disrupted the silence
6.       infuriated by his misdeed
7.       a smirk
8.       sauntered
9.       eyes glinting in hostility
10.   forehead furrowed in puzzlement
11.   berate
12.   to my astonishment
13.   decipher
14.   maliciously
15.   realization dawned on me
16.   good chums
17.   in cahoots
18.   feeling indignant
19.   vicious quarrel ensued
20.   roused
21.   amplified
22.   righteousness
23.   perpetrators
24.   shirking responsibility
25.   to err is human
26.   bellowed heartily
27.   smiled sheepishly
28.   words lodged in his throat
29.   his heart was in his mouth
30.   froze in paramount fear
31.   cowered under the shield of their guardian
32.   words of comfort and assurance
33.   survived the ordeal unscathed

Theme on Hazard
An Explosion!
1.       The headlines screamed
2.       Leave no stones unturned
3.       Startling piece of news
4.       Evoked…memories
5.       The morning sky where the majestic sun reigned supreme
6.       Heart raced excitedly
7.       Chattered animatedly
8.       An earth-shattering blast
9.       Punctured the vivacious spirits
10.   Within a fraction of a second
11.   Flames and smoke were whirling in all directions
12.   Stunned at the shocking spectacle
13.   Tumultuous
14.   Scurried for the exits
15.   Shrills and sobs resounded through the air
16.   Intense heat from the raging fire sank into his skin
17.   Looked in wide-eyed horror
18.   Scorched to the bone and charred black
19.   His heart throbbed
20.   A total state of distraught bemusement
21.   Smoke charged into his nostrils
22.   Noxious, toxic fumes of the smoke made his head spin
23.   Swathed in bandages
24.   Pain was overwhelming
25.   Nothing was more unbearable than the loss of his kin
26.   Instil fear
27.   An indomitable courage to face the cruelties
28.   Doom was awaiting me
29.   Justice will prevail
30.   Silent and tranquil night
31.   Crucial
32.   Stifled a yawn
33.   Stared … obliging
34.   Gasping for air
35.   Beads of perspiration dotted his forehead
36.   Smoke was curling into his bedroom
37.   Clouds of filthy and queasy smoke
38.   Ricocheted repeatedly
39.   Burnt like a charred chicken
40.   At breakneck speed
41.   Arson
42.   Reverberated through his thoughts
43.   Heart was palpitating vigorously
44.   Hands turned cold and clammy
45.   Pandemonium struck
46.   Engulfed in thick ominous black smoke
47.   Hungry flames engulfed and devoured the burning house
48.   Cankerous monster
49.   Showing no mercy
50.   Scurrying
51.   Hollering for help
52.   Making a hasty beeline
53.   Fire obstructed their way and licked the walls menacingly
54.   Rampant burning inferno
55.   Smoke penetrated their lungs
56.   Robbing them of every ounce of oxygen
57.   Wailing of the sirens echoing in the helpless atmosphere
58.   Renewed all their hopes of survival
59.   Immense anxiety turned to relief
60.   Shot like a paralysing dart
61.   Extinguishing the hazardous flames
62. Fire is a good servant but a really bad master

Creative Phrases for Composition Writing

A mistake that Jasmine would not want to repeat
1.       Followed the good advice of her elders, studied hard and never once had she been caught talking unnecessarily in class. In fact, she had been awarded a Medal of Commendation during ….
2.       Her one ‘fatal flaw’ was the fact that she would never willingly help her parents with the housework.
3.       Had always resented the fact that she had to do menial chores when all her other friends had the luxury of maids cleaning up after them.
4.       Trying to concentrate on an interesting book, Jasmine merely nodded without actually listening to her mother’s instructions.
5.       “The sky is overcast, jasmine. Remember to take the clothes down later.  Don’t get too engrossed in your book’” Mrs Chng continued before closing the front door.
6.       Suddenly, Jasmine remembered her chore. She scrambled hurriedly to the back of the house to get the clothes in. How could I have forgotten about them? She thought to herself exasperated. Oh! How I hate doing this. They shouldn’t make her to do such stupid things. To her horror, she realised that her costume to that night’s Halloween Party at Sandra’s house had also been hanging on the clothesline as well. Its limpness made it clear that it, too, was wet. She had to be dressed in half an hour! What was she going to do?
7.       Mrs Chng’s irritated voice boomed across the hall. Jasmine turned around guiltily at the sound of her voice.
8.       As she plodded heavily to her room that night, she thought about the unhappy turn of events and vowed to herself never to make the same mistake again.

It was my first goodbye
1.       I became depressed. I could not believe that we were actually moving!
2.       It was Father’s dream for us to be able to afford a more comfortable life.
3.       Although Mother had been constantly upbeat about our move, I knew that it was merely a mask for the benefit of Billy, my three-year-old brother and myself.
4.       I could see the hesitance and fear in her eyes when she thought that no one was looking.
5.       The many memories I had accumulated in my twelve short years flitted rapidly through my mind. I started tearing.
6.       “Oh stop being such a coward!” I chastised myself. I said goodbye to my three best friends yesterday. It was my first goodbye. This thought brought fresh tears to my already wet, red eyes. I was never going to have friends like that ever again.
7.       School was probably going to be a serious and unfriendly place where no one would want to talk to the new girl. Why would they? If I were in their position, I might feel the same, too. No neighbours like Mrs Ng would give me treats every day and no cousins would ever be able to come over and play anymore.
8.       Wondering who it could be, I opened the door and immediately, a loud merry voice boomed, “Hi! You must be our new neighbours. We’re the Chans. We brought you some cakes that we just baked.”
9.       Wow! I had always wanted to try roller-blading, but unfortunately, I did not have a pair of roller blades and I told Kerry, my neighbour, so.
10.   “Why, I’d love that. Thanks!” I exclaimed excitedly. We had lots of fun that day. Maybe life in Singapore was not going to be that bad after all.

A Visit To A Dentist

A Visit To A Dentist
                “Remember to come out of class immediately today, Julia. Your appointment with Dr Soon is at 2 pm sharp. So I will have to send you there very promptly after school,” called Mother just as I was running out to board the school bus. Oh! Horrors of horrors! I had forgotten all about my dreaded visit to the dentist. The last time I was there, he had given me a long lecture about how I should eat less sweets and how I should floss and brush my teeth at least twice a day. This, of course took place after he had pulled one tooth out and filled two cavities, experiences I really would not want to repeat. I bet he secretly likes doing that to all his poor, helpless patients. Only now was I regretting my decision not to heed his advice.
                Alas! My remorse was too late. Dr Soon clucked disapprovingly. This only caused me to grow more and more alarmed. That meant another painful experience for me. If only I had listened!
                The roar of his equipment was deafening. I tensed, waiting for the pain to start. Suddenly, he stopped prodding my teeth. The whirrs of his equipment quietened. “Okay Julia, we’re done.” Dr Soon said matter-of-factly. “Your teeth seem fine as a whole so I only did some simple polishing for you. But there are beginnings of plaque growing. You had better take good care of your teeth,” he continued.

                That was all? Hey! Maybe Dr Soon was not such a horrible person after all. Hopefully, my next visit will be as uneventful as today’s. Hopefully.