Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Visit To A Dentist

A Visit To A Dentist
                “Remember to come out of class immediately today, Julia. Your appointment with Dr Soon is at 2 pm sharp. So I will have to send you there very promptly after school,” called Mother just as I was running out to board the school bus. Oh! Horrors of horrors! I had forgotten all about my dreaded visit to the dentist. The last time I was there, he had given me a long lecture about how I should eat less sweets and how I should floss and brush my teeth at least twice a day. This, of course took place after he had pulled one tooth out and filled two cavities, experiences I really would not want to repeat. I bet he secretly likes doing that to all his poor, helpless patients. Only now was I regretting my decision not to heed his advice.
                Alas! My remorse was too late. Dr Soon clucked disapprovingly. This only caused me to grow more and more alarmed. That meant another painful experience for me. If only I had listened!
                The roar of his equipment was deafening. I tensed, waiting for the pain to start. Suddenly, he stopped prodding my teeth. The whirrs of his equipment quietened. “Okay Julia, we’re done.” Dr Soon said matter-of-factly. “Your teeth seem fine as a whole so I only did some simple polishing for you. But there are beginnings of plaque growing. You had better take good care of your teeth,” he continued.

                That was all? Hey! Maybe Dr Soon was not such a horrible person after all. Hopefully, my next visit will be as uneventful as today’s. Hopefully.

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