Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tips for Retelling A Story

Tips for Retelling a Story
How do I retell a story?
Good Listeners:
 have eye contact with the storyteller/speaker
 listen carefully
 think about the parts of the retelling without talking out loud
 usually say something positive about the retelling
 pay attention to the retelling without interrupting
Some important things to remember when giving comments:
 I must show mutual respect when giving feedback to my friends.
 Only one pupil speaks at one time. Other pupils must listen carefully and
take notes of the retelling.
 I should keep my comments as positive as possible.
 I should keep my comments short and to the point.
 When responding to comments and questions, I should remember to ask
for suggestions and other ideas to improve the retelling.
 I must be specific and clear when giving my comments.
 I should give a positive comment first before giving suggestions for
1. Read the story.
2. Think about the story. (Predicting – sentences, words, phrases)
3. Retell the story. (Purpose for retelling)

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