Friday, June 19, 2015

Description of Appearance of People


(1)  Face
1.    His face was large and god humoured.
2.    She wore an expression of good nature.
3.    She had untidy black hair, brown eyes, a thin bony face and an unexpected charming smile.
4.    His hair was sticking out and he looked as if he had just woken from his sleep.
5.    He had a broad face with high cheek bones.
6.    His face was round with dark complexion.
7.    He was a lively, articulate boy with inquisitive eyes.
8.    He had a general air of vitality and good health.

(2)  Dress
1.    She was dressed in a bright, tight long skirt and an oversized shirt.
2.    She wore an ostentatious evening gown that looked like molten gold.
3.    He was wearing a bright, red cotton shirt and a leather jacket.
4.    He was untidy, even shabbily dressed.
5.    He was well-dressed and pleasantly mannered.

(3)  Character
1. He had a sense of ready wit and infectious cheerfulness.
2. They were rude, inconsiderate and unpleasant to look at.
3. He had two of the saddest eyes in the world and looked like he was suffering from a fatal illness.

(4)  Voice
1.    Her voice was loud and dictatorial.
2.    She had a deep, authoritative voice.
3.    There was a note of self-satisfaction in his voice.
4.    Her voice was full, rich and seductive.
5.    He had a deep coarse voice.

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