Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mystery of an Abandoned Car

Mystery of an Abandoned Car

1) a deserted stretch of road
11) victim was bound and gagged in his
      own car
2) an abandoned car
12) a piece of cloth was stuffed into his
3) dark and dingy road
13) pulled my handy pen-knife out of my
4) crime scene
14) a series of grisly murders
5) stopped in my tracks
15) a gruesome tale of finding human
      remains behind the house
6) gasped in horror
16) brutal murder
7) cautiously took a step closer to the car
17) well-known millionaire
8) body lying motionlessly
18) kidnappers demanded a ransom
9) legs and hands were bloodstained
19) find the culprits
10) a man tied up securely with ropes
20) heaved a sigh of relief

I stopped at the entrance of a stretch of deserted road. It was a shortcut to Kelly’s house. Should I use the shortcut? “Yes!” I said firmly to myself. That way, I would reach her house a lot quicker. I strode forward but stopped almost immediately in my tracks. Right in the middle of the dark and dingy road was a car. It was very different from the ones I had seen on the main road. They were all sleek and shiny but this one….. well, it was covered with tiny spiders beginning to make their nasty cobwebs.

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