Friday, January 18, 2013

Oral Practice Using Handy Thinking Skills

Picture Discussion
Suggested questions
Introduction (General statements)-
l  What is the setting of the picture
l  What is happening in the picture

Go on to focus on one part of the picture, ask yourself these questions

l  What is the person doing?
l  How is the person feeling?
l  How do you feel about what the person is doing?
l  What are the good points? (I think what he is doing is right because…)
l  What are the bad points? (I think what he is doing is wrong because…)
l  What are you curious about? ( I wonder …)
l  What could he have done to avoid the situation? ( Instead of… he should…)
l  Would you have done if you were in the situation? ( If I were the boy, I would …)
l  What do you wonder will happen after this? ( I wonder if …)

Make a general statement about what is happening in the picture
l  You could make a statement about a lesson you have learnt based on the theme.

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