Monday, February 23, 2015

Revision: Grammar Websites

Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs 1

Anxious about : Worried about
Anxious for: Eager for/wanting

Bring about: Cause to happen
Bring back :(1)return; (2) cause to remember
Bring in : Yield or produce as profit
Bring out : Cause to appear or show clearly
Bring up :(1) educate or rear; (2) call attention to

Break down: (1) collapse; (2) stop because of a fault
Break into :Enter by force
Break off: Separate; to stop
Break out:To appear suddenly
Break up:To break into pieces
Break up with:Quarrel with (sb)

Call at: Visit (place)
Call on :Visit (sb)
Call for: demand
Call in :summon
Call off: cancel
Carry on: Continue, manage
Carry out: Perform, execute (duties)
Carry off : Remove by force
Carry through: Bring safely out of difficulties

Come about : happen
Come across : Meet by chance
Come by : obtain
Come down with: Begin to suffer from an illness
Come out : appear
Come round : (1) recover , (2) agree
Come to : amount
Come up to : Reach; be equal to
Come up with : Produce (idea)
Cut down : Reduce (expenditure)
Cut into : interrupt
Cut off : (1)Bring to an end; (2) isolated
Get away : escape
Get on : progress
Get along with : Be on friendly terms
Get through : Pass (an exam)
Give away: Betray, expose
Give in : surrender
Give off : Send out (smoke)
Give over : abandon
Give up : Stop trying
Go after : chase
Go into : (1) enter ; (2) examine
Go off : explode
Go through : Pass; discuss; examine
Go up: increase

Hold on : wait a moment
Hold up : Offer resistance; Delay; stop somebody for the purpose of robbery
Look after : Take care of
Look down on :despise
Look up : Search for
Look into : investigate
Look to (sb): Rely on
Look up to: respect
Look for : Try to find
Make out : Succeed in seeing/reading
Make up : reconcile
Make up for : compensate
Pull down : demolish
Pull through : Pass with difficulty; Recover from illness
Pull together: Co-operate
Put off: postpone
Put on: Wear, assume
Put out: extinguish
Put up with :tolerate
Run down: Become feeble or tired; treat with disrespect
Run out of :Exhausted, finished
Run up to : Amount to
Run into : Incur debt
Run away: Try to escape
Run over :revise
Run across: Meet by chance
See through: detect
See into: discern

See (sb) off :Be present at someone’s departure
Set about:Start doing sth
Set off:Start a journey
Set out:Begin a journey
Set up:establish
Set upon :attack
Set forth:explain
Stand up for:Maintain, speak in defence of
Stand by:support
Stand for:represent
Stand back:Move back
Take after:resemble
Take back:Withdraw as an apology
Take down:Copy, write down
take off: Remove; leave the ground and go into the air
Take to :Get into a habit
Throw away:waste
Throw up:Vomit, resign
Throw over:abandon
Turn away:Refuse to help
Turn down:reject
Turn up:Arrive; appear
Turn out:To produce; manufacture
Turn against:Become hostile
Work out:Solve; calculate
Work on/upon:influence
Work up:excite
Underline the correct preposition.

1. We should apologise (for, to, in) for our mistake.
2. These vitamin pills are good (for, to, upon) you.
3. The patient died (for, of, from) tuberculosis.
4. I agree (to, beside, with) you absolutely on this point.
5. He takes great pride (of, in, from) his son’s achievements.
6. Their opinion differs (with, from, to) ours.
7. The thief ran (of, along, down) the path and jumped (in, onto, into) some bushes.
8. What are you students waiting (on, of, for)?
9. Our supplies are stored (on, into, in) the warehouse.
10. During the meeting, he sat (on, by, beside) the chairman.
11. They were amused (in, of, by) the little monkey’s antics and rewarded it (by, with, to) bananas.

Ex 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.1. I am tired _____________ of her pranks.
2. Do not blame others _________ your problems.
3. Do you correspond _________ your friends regularly.
4. The officer was disgusted ___________ the filthy state of the restaurant.
5. My sister was suffering __________ influenza the last two days.
6. You can depend __________ him to complete the task.
7. She cannot join us for the trip because she has to look _________ her kid brother.
8. Sam lived ________ a coconut plantation which he owned.
9. You may go but ___________ one condition – that you return before midnight.
10. We ran as fast as we could till we caught ________ with the ice-cream vendor.


hanker after
look after
named after
against one's principles
against the law
fight against
lean aginst
prejudiced against
protest against
Rebel against
Voted against
AtAim at
At a certain point
At a distance
At first/last
At four o’clock
At full speed
At an early age
At night
At any rate
At once
At the bus stop
At the station
At war with
At work
Good at
Indignant at
Laugh at
One at a time
Smile at
Snap at
Stare at
byAbide by
Affected by
By accident/chance
By the river
By the way
By three o’clock
Caused by
Get by
Hold by the tail
Learn by heart
Paid by the hour
Pass by
Run by
Travel by air/sea/rail
A cheque for $400
Apply for
Compensation for
Famous for
For five days
For the first time
Long for
Meant for
Pay for
Qualified for
Reserve for
Send for
Useful for
Work for
fromAbsent from
Abstain from
Banned from
Borrow from
Derived from
Differ from
Digress from
Disappear from
Emit from
Excluded from
From memory
From time to time
Keep from
Rescue from
Steal from
Suffer from
Take from
Absorbed in
Backward in
Believe in
Excel in
Expert in
In a hurry
Indulge in
In love
In my opinion
Interested in
Involved in
Proficient in
Resulted in
Rope in
Specialize in
Versed in the
ofApprove of
Accused of
Afraid of
Ashamed of
Assured of
Aware of
Beware of
Complain of
Confident of
Conscious of
Consist of
Convicted of
Cured of
Deprived of
Died of
Envious of
Fond of
Guilty of
ignorant of
Innocent of
Part of
Proud of
Sure of
Suspicious of
Think of
Tired of
Worthy of
Comment on
Concentrate on
Congratulate on
Converge on
Depend on
Have an effect on
Influence on
Insist on
On fire
On Monday
On purpose
On sale
On the average
On the whole
Pivot on
Rely on
outCall out
Find out
Make out
Out of his mind
Out of reach
Out of sight
Out of stock
Pick out
Pull out
Shut out
Single out
Speak out
Spill out
According to
Addicted to
Amount to
Appeal to
Beneficial to
Conducive to
Contrary to
Detrimental to
Hostile to
Indebted to
Injurious to
Introduce her to
Near to
Opposed to
Pretend to
Prone to
Relate to
Relevant to
Reply to
Respond to
Sensitive to
Similar to
Starve to death
Submit to
Succumb to
Yield to
Acquainted with
Associate with
Busy with
Complete with
Comply with
Contented with
Delighted with
Disappointed with
Disgusted with
Fill with
Happy with
Infested with
Meddle with
Overcome with
Reconcile with
Saddled with
Share with
Satisfied with
Sympathize with
Write with
Add up
Brighten up
Build up
Cough up
Eat up
Gang up
Light up
Loosen up
Make up
Patch up
Raise up
Scrape up
Seal up
Spruce up

Synthesis & Transformation - Direct/Indirect Speech

Direct/Indirect Speech WS 1


1) Jumil told his aunt that he would be in Primary Six the following year.
2) Alison told her best friend, Susan, that the cake her sister had baked the day before had been delicious.
3) When Donald saw his classmates at school, he told them that he had a new baby sister.
4) Mrs Lee said that she had not seen Mary since the previous Saturday.
5) The tour guide said that the little blue penguins come out only at night.
6) Siew Hui said that she had not been to Ipoh for a long time.
7) Ann told her husband that Jack had asked them for dinner that night.
8) He said that he had found the wallet among the flower pots.
9) Max said that he had to save up for the Penang trip.
10) Pat exclaimed that nobody knew how to pitch the tent.

Direct/Indirect Speech WS 2

1) Barbara claimed that she knew that a spider has four pairs of legs.
2) Ahmad told me James wanted to know how many tickets were still available.
3) Jane told everyone that she would coming to the party at six.
4) James said that he had gone for a long walk the day before.
5) I said that I did not like coffee.
6) We said that we had tried to help.
7) I said that I would never speak to her again.
8) The neighbour told me that she had quarreled with her husband the night before.
9) He told me that it had rolled into that hole.
10) Jessie told David that that tie looked good on him.

Direct/Indirect Question WS 1

1) Miss Lim asked her pupils last Friday if they had completed their project on animals.
2) The policeman asked the boy if he had stolen that wallet.
3) When the secretary went into his office, the manager asked her if she could take down that message.
4) The librarian asked me if I wanted to collect my book then.
5) The woman asked my mother if those were the children.
6) Henry’s aunt asked him if she had been home the evening before.
7) The boy asked Joshua if he could lend him a dollar.
8) I asked if Jeremy swam regularly.
9) Michelle wondered if the famous painting had been sold.
10) The reporter asked the spokesman if the passengers had been hurt in the accident.

Direct/Indirect Question Wsh 2

1) Our English teacher asked us who had won first prize in the Art competition the previous Sunday.
2) The policeman asked the eye witness how the accident had happened.
3) Mother asked me how long I took to complete my Mathematics test that day.
4) I asked the salesman how much that computer cost.
5) The Scoutmaster asked Tuck Hwee why he was late for the meeting.
6) Miss Tan wanted to know how long I took to finish my homework.
7) He asked me what my name was.
8) Siti asked Mani what he was doing then.
9) Mohan asked Jasper whom he had met at the library.
10) Gloria asked her friend what she had bought at Takashimaya.

Direct/Indirect Commands Wsh 1

1) The teacher warned the naughty boys not to play when she was explaining a sum.
2) Mrs Wee warned the children not to play near the pond.
3) Tony told Rio to take the pictures home.
4) The policeman shouted at the fleeing gangster to stop or he would shoot.
5) He ordered the students not to leave.
6) The chairman ordered the class to be quiet.
7) He ordered the children to go to school.
8) My friend told me to take it easy.
9) My sister told me to leave her alone.
10) Jill told me to call before I came.

Direct/Indirect Commands Wsh 2

1) The guide told me to go down the hill and turn right.
2) The P5 camp instructor asked us to ask more questions.
3) The boss told us to be sure to get the project done on time.
4) The instructor told me that I should take up an inline skating course.
5) He told me to try it again.
6) He said that I should try it again.
7) My father told me to be home by midnight.
8) My father said that I should be home by midnight.
9) The President said that we should not give up hope.
10) Mitch said that we should not believe him.

Sentence Variety- Using Infinitive, Prepositional, Participle, Appositive Phrases

Use infinitive phrases (73)
1. Mary should avoid spicy food if she wants to win the singing contest.
To win the singing contest, Mary should avoid spicy food.

2. To collect the prize, winners must provide receipts as proof of purchase.

3. To prevent the branches from falling on the cars, the trees must be trimmed.

Use prepositional phrases (66-67)
1. The thieves wore black stockings over their faces.
Over their faces, the thieves wore black stockings.

2. Throughout the housing estate, Mrs Lim looked for her missing poodle.

3. Against the raging storm, the brave girl struggled to get help for her mother.

4. Underneath her coat, she hid the stolen chicken.

5. Without the support of his devoted wife, Mr Muthu was devastated.

6. From a podium way up above the stadium, the policeman waved to the crowd.

7. Instead of turning up at work, Janice went to the park.

8. Upon the freshly-dug soil in the garden, rain fell.

9. With a loud shot,Devi jumped over the hurdle.

10. With a loud “plok”, the stone landed on the bonnet of Mr Tan’s Mercedes.

Use A Participle (68)
1. The tired boys slept through the night.
Tired, thee boys slept through the night.

2. Frightened, the maid hid in the bathroom.

3. Howling, the dogs kept the neighbours awake the whole night.

4. Sadly, the broken swing hung in the garden.

5. Screaming, my sister hung on to my mother’s arm when the nurse arrived.

6. Chattering, the extras at the set got into place slowly.

7. Wide-eyed, the children gazed at the rainbow in silent wonder.

8. Frowning, the salesgirl pointed out the sales items to me.

Use participle phrases (69-70)
1. The clown tipped his hat and blew kisses to the crowd.
Tipping his hat, the clown blew kisses to the crowd.

2. Sniggering gleefully, the teenager threw stones at the terrified kitten.

3. Measuring out the ingredients carefully, Mother put them into a mixing bowl.

4. Walking cautiously across the wet toilet floor, Mrs Siva slipped.

5. Sweating profusely, the satay seller fanned the flames energetically.

6. The fragile butterfly, fluttering its wings weakly, tried to fly out of the bowl of water.

7. Snapping her fingers angrily, the shopkeeper shouted out several times.

8. Couging loudly, Ronald vomited into the spittoon.

Rewrite sentences (71)
1. The dog barked. The dog attacked the stranger.
The dog barked and attacked the stranger.
Barking, the dog attacked the stranger.

2. The stranger screamed and fell into the drain.
Screaming, the stranger fell into the drain.

3. Mrs Lee gasped and ran towards the dog.
Gasping, Mrs Lee ran towards the dog.

4. Mrs Lee grabbed the dog’s leash and shouted at the dog.
Grabbing the dog’s leash, Mrs Lee shouted at the dog.

5. Julian Lee helped the stranger up and apologised to him.
Helping the stranger up, Julian Lee apologised to him.

Use participle phrases (72)
1. Driven by intense hunger, the children in the ghettos began to wat bits of grss and other vegetation.

2. Amazed by his talent, the talent scouts signed on Talib immediately as their next recording artist.

3. Angered by his son’s behaviour, Mr Lim walked out of the school.

4. Stressed out by her increasing workload, Junita decided to take a long holiday in another country.

5. Looking out of the window, Mrs Salim saw her husband walking slowly home with a big sack on his back.
Use adjective clauses (74)
1. The teachers are extremely hardworking.
The teachers, who teach the PSLE classes, are extremely hardworking.

2. Mrs Lim’s pets, which are fed at the family dining table, are a lucky lot.

3. The sky, which is full of dark clouds, is a threatening sight.
Use appositives and appositive phrases (75-76)
1. The house stood silently at the end of the road.
The house, a large dilapidated mansion, stood silently at the end of the road.

2. The dog, a tiny poodle with a loud voice, barked non-stop throughout the night.

3. The contractor, a conscientious businessman, worked throughout the weekend to finish the job.

4. The dancer, a slim, youthful woman, floated across the stage.

5. John, an aspiring body-builder, lifted the heavy bag effortlessly

Synthesis & Transformation: Active and Passive Voice

p 5
1. The stranger was requested by us to leave the premises (by us).
2. The new students were told by the others where to sit.
3. You will be asked by them several questions.
4. The men will be ordered to stop work soon by the guard.
5. The room shall be painted by us tomorrow.
6. Tea is sold by the grocer.
7. The dog was beaten by the naughty boys every day.
8. The land is ploughed by the farmer alone.
9. All the cookies have been eaten by the boys.
10. The roof has been repaired by the workmen.
11. A bookshop has just been opened by Philip.
12. These eggs are laid by the biggest hen.

P 7
1. The old lady is read to every afternoon by May.
2. The letter will be written by her tonight.
3. The flyover has been built by the construction workers .
4. Flowers in that shop are sold by Mrs Wang.
5. A box of chocolates was given byZhiyuan for her birthday.
6. The torn dress has been mended.
7. You will be laughed at if you wear that silly hat.
8. The little boat was overturned by a huge wave.
9. All the curry was eaten up by us yesterday.
10. Many valuable paintings will be destroyed by this fire.
11. Higher wages are promised to us by them.
12. Our meal has already been paid by Mr Lim.

Vocabulary - Compound Adjectives

Breath-taking view
Daily-rated worker
Dimly-lit room
Gaily-coloured clothes
Hand-painted batiks
Hard-boiled eggs
High-heeled shoes
Ill-tempered farmer
Man-eating tiger
Old-fashioned ideas
Pale-looking boy
Shabbily-dressed man
Time-consuming task
Well-kept garden
White-collar job
White-washed house

1. The old beggar is a _____________________.
2. Mr Low cannot see eye to eye with his employer who has _________________.
3. At the annual sale, ______________ were on sale.
4. Does your brother earn a monthly salary or is he a ________________.
5. John prefers _______________ to fried ones.
6. We were thrilled by the ______________ from the top of Mount Faber.
7. The hunt is on for the _______________.
8. Mrs Tan has a _______________ with many potted plants.
9. The boys who teased the ____________ were scolded by him.
10. Who is that ___________ waiting for his turn to see the doctor?

Grammar Notes 1 (Revision)

Grammar Notes 1 (Revision)
1. (Qn Tag) The girls jog at Bishan Park every other day, don’t they?

2. (Conditional if) If I were you, I would not act so rashly.

3. (S-V Agree) All/Both + plural verb

4. (S-V Agree) All the participants but one attend the seminar.

5. (S-V Agree) Ellen, together with the boys, / Ellen, like the boys, is /has /does/ goes

6. (S-V Agree) The boys, as well as Gillian, / with Gillian, are/have/ do/ go
7. (S-V Agree) Each/ Every/ someone/anyone/ No one / Not one/ Nobody is/has/ does/goes
8. (S-V Agree) Either of the boys /Neither of the boys is/has/does/goes
9. (S-V Agree) Neither Susan nor the girls /Either Susan or the girls are/have/do/go
10. Plural Countable Nouns are always followed by plural verbs: many, few, some, a lot of , a number of, a great deal of e.g. Few cats are kept by the Chinese.
11. Uncountable Nouns are always followed by singular verbs: much, a little, some, a lot of, a great amount e.g. News is spread fast.
12. (Tense) As Mr Tan was walking to the gate, he heard the emergency bell ring/ringing.
13. (Active / Passive Voice) Nobody cleaned the board.
The board was not cleaned.
14. The better of the two boys won the prize. (good)
15. Tom is neater (neat) than Ali.
16. Of all the children, Susan is the worst (bad).
17. (Relative Pronoun) Mr Leong whose son had gone abroad to study bought a condominium recently.
18. (Emphatic Pronouns) I did this myself; You did this yourself. By ourselves; by themselves
19. (Conjunctions) Although/Though/Even though Mrs Syed was busy with her work, she came to help out. OR
20. (Conjunctions)Despite/In spite of Mrs Syed’s business with her work, she came to help out. OR
21. (Conjunctions)Despite /In spite of being busy with her work, Mrs Syed came to help out.

(Prepositions/ Phrasal Verbs)
22. according to
23. called for
24. come round/come across/ come into/come down
25. delighted for/ delighted with
26. difference between/ differ from
27. similar to
28. compare with /comparison to
29. dislike for
30. divided between
31. engaged to
32. fond of
33. liking for
34. married to
35. peel off
36. interested in
37. related to
38. summoned by
39. regard for
40. rely on
41. run into
42. similar to
43. thought of
44. withdraw from
45. worried for
46. interfere with
47. protect from
48. prevent from
49. conscious of
50. approve of

Synthesis & Transformation: In case/ In order to /No matter/ None/Never/ As long as/ Much to

In case/ In order to /No matter/ None/Never/ As long as/ Much to
1. Spend fifty dollars at this store. You will get a mystery gift.
In order to get a mystery gift, you have to spend fifty dollars at this store.

2. Brush your teeth and have a regular dental check-up. Then your teeth will not decay.
In order to prevent your teeth from decaying/ decay, brush your teeth and have a regular check-up.

3. I didn’t want to lose my key. I made a duplicate key.
I made a duplicate key in case I lost my key.

4. It was possible that they hadn’t heard me. I rang the bell again.
I rang the bell again in case they hadn’t heard me.

5. I was afraid of a virus attack. I installed an anti-virus software in my computer.
I installed an anti-virus software in my computer in case of a virus attack.

No matter /As long as/None/ Much

1. Diana looked everywhere for the ring. She could not find it.

No matter where Diana looked /how hard Diana looked for the ring, she could not find it.

2. I told him many times to find a job. He refused to find a job.
No matter ________________________________________.

3. If you don’t provoke the dog, it will not bite you.
__________________________ as long as _________________.

4. All the goldfish I bought died when I reached home.
None _______________________________________________.

5. I was disgusted by him. He blew his nose while at the table.
Much to _____________________________________________.

6. She wrote the note. Then she emailed it to her friend in China.
Having ______________________________________________.

7. Always wash your hands before eating.
Never _______________________________________________.

8. Celestine is more knowledgeable about computers than I do.
I don’t know as _________________________________________

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Main Ideas

Whole Text Study         
Main Ideas

Read the text in the following boxes. Write a warning for people travelling on the MRT based on what you have read.

The third rail carries 750V DC of power, which is three times more than the electrical supply in your own home. That is why there are signs warning people not to go onto the tracks. Apart from getting run over, you could get electrocuted.


People always try to rush into the train at the last moment, even when they see the doors closing. If the door slammed shut, someone would get hurt.


In the early years of the MRT, an inconsiderate person stuck his used chewing gum on an MRT door. The door could not close, so the train could not move.


Passengers kept accidentally dropping things that ended up getting caught in the groove of the MRT doorways. The doors need to slide along the groove to close, so dropped items can jam the doors.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Learn about Proverbs


Prefix Chart

in-  (not)
inter- (between, among)
mono- (one)
multi- (many)


in-  (not)
inter- (between, among)
mono- (one)
multi- (many)
multiple choice