Monday, September 28, 2015

Vocabulary for theme on Accident

1.       Puddles of water were everywhere, making the road slippery and dangerous.
2.       The car was going at full speed.
3.       The short-lived laughter turned into gasps/screams pf horror when they saw a car coming straight at them.
4.       The car was speeding down the road.
5.       The reckless driver swerved from left to right, overtaking many vehicles.
6.       He was not abiding by the traffic rules.
7.       The boy dashed across the road.
8.       The driver tried to swerve to the right but it was too late.
9.       I heard the screeching of brakes.
10.   The two cars collided with a deafening crash.
11.   With a deafening crash, the car crashed into a tree.
12.   The car skidded and crashed through the railings.
13.   The car was a total wreck.
14.   The pedestrian was knocked down.
15.   The pedestrian was unconscious.
16.   The victim lay in a pool of blood.
17.   The victims were groaning in pain.
18.   The driver was bleeding profusely.
19.   Patches of blood were everywhere.
20.   The front seat was splattered with blood.
21.   Her legs were bleeding profusely.
22.   The passengers were severely injured.
23.   The victim was mutilated beyond recognition.
24.   The wreckage burst into flames.
25.   The traffic slowed down and curious motorists stretched their necks to catch a glimpse of the accident.
26.   Traffic was lined up/ moving along bumper to bumper.
27.   Some passers-by gathered around to give a helping hand to the injured passengers and drivers.
28.   Some people simply stood there and shook their heads in disbelief.
29.   An ambulance was summoned.
30.   The ambulance attendants put the victim on the stretcher and carried him to the ambulance.
31.   The car whizzed past us.
32.   The driver was weaving in between cars and changing lanes.
33.   The driver tried to apply brakes but it was too late.
34.   We heard a loud crash followed seconds later by an earth-shattering explosion.
35.   The car had skidded, flew across the road divider and smashed against a tree.
36.   The passenger had been thrown out by the impact and was lying on the ground screaming/groaning in pain.
37.   The driver escaped death when the air-bag, a safety device, shielded him from the impact of the crash.
38.   The vehicle was smashed beyond recognition.
39.   The bodies of the accident victims were charred upon recognition.
40.   Police cordoned off the area and questioned by-standers who might have witnessed the accident.
41.   A twisted, mangled heap of smoking metal was all that remained of the gleaming red Ferrari.
42.   They managed to pull the bloodied and unconscious victims from the car before it exploded in flames.
43.   Civil Defence workers took over two hours to free the driver trapped beneath the steering wheel.
44.   She was flung into the air and landed on the pavement some distance away.
45.   The motorcyclist and his pillion rider were killed on the spot.
46.   The passengers died without regaining consciousness while on the way to the hospital.
47.   The driver was treated for slight injuries.
48.   Passers-by stopped to console the victims and attended to their injuries.
49.   Afraid to move the victims in case we aggravate their injuries, we could only hold onto their hands/cradle their heads and murmur consoling words.
50.   The man fractured his leg.
51.   The medical attendants acted quickly by placing his legs in splints and carrying him away on a stretcher.
52.   Police should take strict action against road users who endanger the lives of others by behaving foolishly, selfishly and dangerously.
53.   As he blinked continuously to keep his eyes open, he swerved from lane to lane unknowingly.
54.   I winced as I saw the piece of twisted metal.
55.   Without taking a second look, he dashed right into the busy traffic, sending cars honking loudly and angrily.
56.   He jammed on the brakes but it was too late.
57.   The car screeched to a halt.
58.   “Oh no!” The driver gasped and his face turned pale.
59.   He was flung against the car’s bonnet and with a dull thud, he landed on the road, unconscious.
60.   The car skidded for a few metres before crashing into the railing of the canal.
61.   After the patrol cars left, what remained on the road were the spots of blood and shards of broken glass.
62.   As the ambulance sailed down the road, the bloodstained helmet lay overturned by the roadside.
63.   He lay in a sprawl on the wet road, his arms and legs in contorted positions.
64.   His face was smeared with blood.
65.   As he drew closer, he saw blood oozing down the side of the wreckage.
66.   He tried to brush away the fragments of glass from his eyes.
67.   He was pinned under the huge tree and the mangled piece of metal which used to be he bonne of his car.
68.   His feet were snared in a tangle of bent pedals and chunks of metal.
69.   As his blood circulation had been cut off, his legs were numb and he felt no pain at all.

70.   With a screech, the errant driver took off.

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