Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Words Associated with Motion

Words Associated with Motion

1.         The lights winked out and the plane shook. The wheels rumbled down the runway and gathered speed. With a violent jerk, we were airborne.
2.         The bird flapped its huge wings and soared in the blue sky.
3.         Riding on the currents, the bird glided effortlessly in the air, occasionally circling in search of prey.
4.         With grace, the flock of birds drifted over the lush green plains and towering ancient trees.
5.         Seeing that it was his only chance to escape, the hostage bolted for the door the moment the robber’s back was turned.
6.         As the flames began to spread, the movie-goers made a mad scramble for the exit.
7.         Before he knew it, the man had fled into the darkness.
8.         At the sight of the rod, the dog turned tail and scampered off.
9.         The children scurried to their seats upon hearing the clicking sounds of their teacher’s high-heeled shoes.
10.     The rat scuttled across the dirt floor, into its hideout behind the cabinet.
11.     At the mention of food, he sprang to his feet, “Food? Where? Where?”
12.     He took off in hot pursuit of the pickpocket.
13.     With the two-dollar note ibn hand, the child raced down the street with excitement and burst into the convenience store, red-faced and panting.
14.     With blinding speed, he tore across the stretch of fine white sand , past the sunbathers, towards the head that was bobbing up and down the water surface.
15.     I shot up the stairs, two steps at a time.
16.     I flew down the flight of stairs with the roaring men hot on my heels.
17.     The men with the ski masks charged into the bank, announcing their arrival with several gunshots.
18.     When the young children surfaced, they spouted like whales, blowing plumes of river water from their mouths.
19.     The child kicked off her slippers and slid into the pool.
20.     The boisterous boys raced one another to the pond. Plonk! Plonk! Plonk! They plunged into the rippling water, sending water splashing as high as a metre into the air.
21.     He propelled himself forward with long powerful strokes, occasionally turning his head sideways to catch his breath.
The child emerged from under the water, blue-faced and gasping for breath as she wiped her face and swept her hair backwards.

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