Monday, October 13, 2014

Interesting vocabulary phrases for writing


1.            ANGRY

§   Tom turned red with fury.
§   Peter was boiling with rage.
§   He stamped his foot in anger.
§   Sally gritted her teeth in anger.
§   They were too angry for words.
§   Her voice crackled with anger.
§   Jake stormed off towards the exit.
§   His anger turned into violence.
§   He drew in his breath with a long hiss.
§   He was like a bull in a china shop.
§   A wave of futile rage swept over him.
§   An angry frown creased her forehead.
§   I could see her eyes glowing in fury.
§   He was so angry that his blood boiled.
§   She stormed out of the room in anger.
§   His fist came down on the table with a loud bang.
§   In a fit of rage, he stabbed her to death.
§   His eyes flashed with anger and resentment.
§   His face was contorted with rage and fury.
§   He clenched his fist and shook with fury.
§   He was fuming but he contained his anger.
§   Seething with anger, he approached me menacingly.
§   In a blind fury, he smashed the chair against the television set.
§   With hands trembling from anger, the man slapped the boy hard.
§   She was hopping mad when she heard the slanderous accusations.
§   His hands were shaking uncontrollably and his face turned an ominous red.
§   His face had turned to the colour of molten lava and his eyes flashed angrily.
§   She stared with eyes filled with anger and hatred that were beyond description.

2.            SAD

§   Sue broke into tears.
§   A dark mood came over Jane.
§   Tears welled up in Nancy’s eyes.
§   She was on the verge of tears.
§   Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks.
§   No words could express his agony.
§   The poor child sobbed sorrowfully.
§   With a heavy heart, he left the hospital.
§   My heart sank when I heard the sad news.
§   Her eyes were puffy and red after all the crying.
§   She cried her heart out on hearing the tragic news.
§   The frightened child was on the brink of tears.

3.            SLEEPY / TIRED

§   I felt run down after a hard day’s work.
§   She felt drowsy and weary after the night shift.
§   He fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow.
§   She was dog-tired and kept yawning.
§   His eyes were red from the lack of sleep.
§   He was snoring loudly after a few minutes.
§   He was curled up in bed, fast asleep.
§   He was overcome with fatigue and soon fell asleep.
§   The minutes ticked by and soon his eyes started to droop sleepily.
§   He complained sleepily at the endless homework he had to do.
§   His whole body ached in protest as he forced himself to continue.

4.            HAPPY

§   She was as happy as a lark.
§   He laughed heartily.
§   He laughed till his sides hurt.
§   He burst into fits of laughter.
§   The winner jumped for joy.
§   They were filled with happiness.
§   He rubbed his eyes in disbelief.
§   Her eyes glittered with tears of joy.
§   They were saturated with happiness.
§   He was smiling like a contented old man.
§   He poured out his gratitude profusely.
§   He was all smiles when he saw the results.
§   They roared with laughter on hearing the joke.
§   She kept a straight face but inside she was giggling like mad.
§   Our hearts were full of joy when we heard the good news.
§   My father, coughing hard to suppress a laugh, turned his face away.
§   We were in high spirits and the mood was set for an enjoyable day.
§   Her eyes widened with pleasure when she saw the new gleaming bicycle.
§   He was so happy that he could not help thinking that he was the luckiest man in the world.

5.            FRIGHTENED / EXCITED

§   His knees went soft.
§   Terror seized us all.
§   Panic started to engulf him.
§   She was at a loss for words.
§   He froze for a few seconds.
§   I rose shakily to my feet.
§   A rude shock awaited them.
§   A chill went down her spine.
§   She felt a shiver run down her spine.
§   The sight of the ghost sent shudders down her spine.
§   A loud voice boomed, sending shivers down their spines.
§   I was powerless and frantic with terror.
§   She screamed at the top of her voice.
§   She screamed her head off when she saw the corpse.
§   She jumped in fright when her mother suddenly shouted at her.
§   His face turned pale and his skin felt cold and clammy.
§   Overcome with fright, she lost her balance and fell down in a swoon.
§   She experienced a feeling of weakness and then she blacked out.
§   She stood rooted to the ground.
§   The shock robbed him of speech.
§   I was too afraid to utter a word.
§   A haze of fear surrounded him.
§   The timid girl shrank back in fear.
§   Gary stood motionless with horror.
§   She was panic-stricken when she realized she as trapped.
§   Frightening thoughts raced through his mind.
§   They fled in panic when they saw the charging dog.
§   It took him several days to overcome his nervousness.
§   Our hairs stood on ends as a cry rang high into the night.
§   Fighting back tears of fear, he stared motionless at the approaching danger.
§   With his sense of direction gone, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
§   The frightened child was screaming incoherently.
§   Paralyzed with fear, he was speechless.
§   I woke up sobbing, drenched in sweat and paralyzed with fear.
§   I was awakened by a sound, which brought my heart into my mouth.
§   They huddled together and stared apprehensively into the darkness.
§   Terror gripped his whole being and perspiration started dripping from his forehead.
§   A chill ran swiftly up his back, causing the nape of his neck to tingle.
§   I was sick to my stomach at the horrendous sight.
§   Suddenly, he heard his children’s shouts from the garden, shrill with excitement.
§   Back in the room, Tom was simply quivering all over with excitement.
§   The crowd let out a stupendous cheer as the team scored a home goal.
§   Their pulses raced as they neared their final goal.
§   Henry’ skin tingled with excitement as he watched the hair-raising race.
§   They stared at him in blank amazement.
§   She rummaged frantically in her handbag for the revolver.



§   The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered invitingly.
§   The sun filtered through the clouds, signaling the end of the rain.
§   A golden glow spread across the sky as the sun chased the dark clouds away.
§   The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun.
§   Palm / Coconut trees swayed to the gentle breeze in the warm tropical sunshine.
§   The fresh air filled my lungs and I felt refreshed and exhilarated.
§   The breathtaking scenery captivated everyone.
§   The pond was bathed in a golden hue by the gentle sunlight and the water was as clear as crystal.
§   The high sunlit clouds drifted across a clear blue sky.
§   The sun rose in a pool of crimson and gold, spilling light all over the land and the white clouds.
§   As the sun set, the few thin strips of clouds on the horizon turned shimmering gold.
§   It was a lovely walk, with the sun setting behind the mountain in a sea of liquid gold.
§   The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink.
§   Crimson and amber-tinted clouds overwhelmed the sky.

2.          BAD WEATHER

§   The sky above was full of tumultuous, dark, ragged clouds.
§   It was a cold grey afternoon with a dull sky threatening rain.
§   Black ominous clouds covered the sky and released a sudden shower.
§   Thick black clouds grew ominously.
§   Thick black clouds and thunder rolled in from the west and rain began to fall.
§   Thunder came marching from far away with increasing tread.
§   Lightning and thunder raged with fury.
§   A flash of forked lightning and a great clap of thunder came close upon each other.
§   A bolt of lightning tore across the sky and a peal of thunder came close upon each other.
§   Thunder roared and lightning flashed across the sky.
§   The howling of the wind frightened us all.
§   The wind was howling and soon there was a heavy downpour.
§   The wind was thrashing in the treetops.
§   The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across the land.
§   A curtain of rain beat down from the heaven.
§   Rain pelted down from the skies.


§   The car burst into flames after colliding with a stationary lorry.
§   Within seconds, the room was engulfed in flames.
§   A minute later, a loud explosion rocked the building.
§   Screaming in pain, the occupants of the burning house came staggering out into the streets.
§   Screams and loud cries pierced the air.
§   Flames swept over them.
§   Everybody was fleeing frantically.
§   Panic-stricken occupants rushed out from the burning house.
§   Cloaked in a wet blanket, I crouched as low as I could to avoid the toxic smoke.
§   Horrible screams filled the air.
§   The scene was chaotic.
§   The wail of sirens of the fire engines could be heard.
§   There was not a moment to lose. The firemen started putting out the fire as soon as they arrived.
§   Smoke and sparks were whirling in all directions.
§   Thick smoke filled the air, shrouding the surrounding in total darkness.
§   Columns of smoke were seen streaming out from the burning building.
§   Many corpses were charred beyond recognition.


§   Puddles of water were everywhere, making the road slippery and dangerous.
§   The car was going at full speed.
§   The short-lived laughter turned into gasps / screams of horror when they saw a car coming straight at them.
§   The car was speeding down the road.
§   The reckless driver swerved from left to right, overtaking many vehicles.
§   He was not abiding by the traffic rules.
§   The boy dashed across the road.
§   The driver tried to swerve to the right bur it was too late.
§   I heard the screeching of brakes.
§   The two cars collided with a deafening crash.
§   With a deafening crash, the car crashed into a tree.
§   The car skidded and crashed through the railings.
§   The car was a total wreck.
§   The pedestrian was knocked down.
§   The pedestrian was unconscious.
§   The victims lay in a pool of blood.
§   The victims were groaning in pain.
§   The driver was bleeding profusely.
§   Patches of blood were everywhere.
§   The front seat was splattered with blood.
§   The passengers were severely injured.
§   The wreckage burst into flames.
§   The victim was mutilated beyond recognition.
§   The traffic slowed down and curious motorists stretched their necks to catch a glimpse of the accident.
§   Traffic was lined up / moving along bumper to bumper.
§   Some passers-by gathered around to give a helping hand to the injured passengers and drivers.
§   Some people simply stood there and shook their heads in disbelief.
§   An ambulance was summoned.
§   The ambulance attendants put the victim on the stretcher and carried him to the ambulance.

WORDS to replace SAID





freckled cheeks
squared jaws
pimply face
sun-tanned skin
sunken cheeks
puffy cheeks
wizened (old, shrunk and wrinkled with age)
long sharp nose
booked nose
snub nose
enormous nose
bulbous nose

a screeching voice
loud and dictatorial
deep, authoritative
day and caustic

bright sparkling eyes
eyes twinkling with mischief
bloodshot eyes
small, beady eyes looking looking very sly
dull, expressionless eyes
eyes as red as burning coals
squinty eyes
almond-shaped eyes
eyes that slant upwards
puffy eyes
bulging eyes
small piggy eyes

with lovely curls
wavy hair
neatly combed
unkempt hair
hair in a tangled mess
long, soft and silky hair
hair sticking out
broad muscular shoulders
narrow slopping shoulders


§   In spite of (the heavy downpour), …
§   Despite (the heavy downpour), …
§   In my hurry / excitement, …
§   As quick as lightning, …
§   Like a bolt of lightning, …
§   All of a sudden, …
§   Once in a blue moon, …
§   At the eleventh hour, …
§   Shortly after (the heavy downpour), …
§   Now and then, …
§   Out of curiosity, …
§   Out of the blue, …
§   Out of nowhere, …
§   Within seconds / minutes, …
§   Besides that, …
§   In addition to …
§   In order not to …
§   In a flash, …
§   In no time, …
§   In the meantime, …
§   In the twinkling of an eye, …
§   In the nick of time, …
§   In her anger, …
§   Instead of …
§   To further insult her, …
§   Without hesitation / thinking / wasting a second, …
§   Without a moment’s delay, …
§   To her horror / surprise / amazement / delight, …
§   No matter how hard he tries, …
§   On hearing the bad news, …
§   On the spur of the moment, …

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