Monday, October 13, 2014

Caught In A Gang Fight

Caught In A Gang Fight
                The welcoming sight of the food centre made Greg’s heart skip a beat. Finally! He seemed to have walked for ages before finding a food centre. A loud rumbling from Greg’s stomach reminded him f his obsequious need to satisfy his intense hunger and Greg quickened his pace. Greg was famished as he had not eaten anything since breakfast.
                Outside the bustling food centre, vehicles, of all shapes and sizes, lined the row of shady trees that ran alongside the food centre. Grimy crockery and scraps of food were strewn in heaps by the overflowing collection bins. Nevertheless, the unsightly scene was no deterrence to a hungry crowd.
                Greg zoomed straight for the stall selling his favourite carrot cake. “One plate of fried carrot cake without chilli, please,” Greg gushed out, thrusting his money immediately to the lady manning the stall. The stallholder nodded in acknowledgement and started frying. Soon, the aroma of fried carrot cake wafted through the air. Greg could not help salivating at the thought of tucking into it.
                 As it was lunch time, people were milling around looking for empty tables and seats. It was an uphill task finding a seat to savour the piping hot food. Just then, Greg noticed an empty seat at the far end of the food centre. Quick as lightning, he plonked down onto the empty seat next to a few strangers.
                Finally! Greg could at long last savour his food. The first bite of the carrot cake was pure ecstasy. Delicious flavours of the spices swam around Greg’s mouth, tickling his senses. Unfortunately, Greg’s happiness was fleeting. Out of the blue, a group of brutish-looking teenagers yielding sticks and metal pipes charged into the food centre. Screams and shrieks reverberated through the air as customers hastened out of their way. The once peaceful food centre was now in pandemonium!
                “Bock all exits!” one of the hooligans, obviously the leader, barked. Cold sweat broke out when Greg realized the group of hooligans was heading straight towards his table. It was then Greg realised that the few people whom he was sharing the same table with were standing alert, arms braced in a fighting stance. Each of them had tattoos all over their arms and backs. Greg groaned and silently cursed himself for his stupidity. He had unwittingly stumbled upon a gang fight! In his eagerness to find a seat, Greg did not even realize that his table was filled with shady characters. No wonder the seat beside them was empty! Greg grabbed his bag and tried to escape. However, it was too late. He was ensnared.
                “Where’s the money you owed us?” the leader snarled. “Pay up now or you’ll be sorry!” Plates of food splattered all over the floor as the hooligan slammed his metal pipe onto the table for emphasis.
                Greg inched his way as far back as possible hoping to make himself invisible. Greg knew that if a fight really breaks out, he was doomed. He sent a prayer heavenwards, praying for a miracle to happen. Suddenly, men in blue stormed into the food centre. He was safe! The police had arrived! They were his heroes, his saviours. Upon seeing the police, the hooligans broke up and scattered in all directions. Policemen chased after them managing to nab a few of them.

                After giving the police officer his statements, Greg could finally make his way home. Greg’s earlier hunger was totally forgotten now. He was truly thankful that he had escaped unscathed. It was an experience that greg would never wish to experience again.

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