Monday, October 13, 2014

Story beginnings

Story Beginnings
1.       “Oops, it looks like someone should have stepped on the other pedal,” said …
2.       Glad to have escaped alive, the driver stuttered, “I wish I hadn’t …”
3.       On the way home from school, our car started acting strangely.
4.       When we boarded the flying car ride at the amusement park, we never thought that …
5.       Dad was a very bad driver and one day…
6.       “Watch out below!” yelled …
7.       How can we get in there? Nelson wondered…
8.       No one noticed the group of boys at the fence until…
9.       I am sure my parents are proud to see that …
10.   The reporter was surprised that she had been sent to cover a story about…
11.   When Terry won the baking contest…
12.   As we zoomed down the roller coaster track…
13.   Elena wished she had never agreed to …
14.   I was doing all right on the roller coaster ride until …
15.   “Let’s ride again!” yelled …
16.   When the new roller coaster ride opened, everyone…
17.   I wish they had painted my face to look like …
18.   Being a cat in the school play was …
19.   If I were painting other people’s faces, I would …
20.   The suitcase Jamie took was…
21.   “What on Earth could be in this thing?” asked …
22.   Suddenly a scratching sound was heard from inside the huge suitcase…
23.   “Do you hear what I hear?” the worried inspector asked.
24.   “Seriously, you don’t want to lift this!” exclaimed …
25.   These leaves feel…
26.   Kelly loved to jump in the leaves because …
27.   This autumn, my family took a trip to see the beautiful trees and …
28.   My friend and I had the best day when we …
29.   When the zookeeper’s back was turned, the flamingos …
30.   “What do you mean there’s no more soap!” exclaimed …
31.   When I opened the bathroom door,…
32.   Pat had never felt so alone as when …
33.   When my friend was crying, I said…
34.   With tears streaming down both cheeks, the child said…
35.   “Can crying actually make you feel better?” asked …
36.   The other children hurt Jackie’s feelings so …
37.   Best friends go through a lot together. One day my friend and I …
38.   People always stare at my twin and me because …
39.   I wish my teacher would …
40.   I didn’t think I’d be sent out just because …
41.   Peering into the classroom window, Zabia thought …
42.   The teacher thought, I hope my students …
43.   This was the day I had prepared myself for …
44.   In the seconds before somersaulting over the fall, the swimmer thought …
45.   As I tumbled toward the rushing Niagara Falls, I …
46.   Whatever you do, don’t …
47.   My class took a field trip to the bee farm and …
48.   When I said I wanted some honey, I didn’t mean …
49.   In one hundred years, people will be able to talk to animals of all kinds and …
50.   I like spending time with my big brother so we can …
51.   “Thank goodness for earphones,” remarked …
52.   “I’d like to have an MP3 player,” thought …
53.   I knew I should have studied more, thought…
54.   If those humans do not stop littering, I am going to …
55.   I wish I had not …
56.   We heard a crashing sound and turned to see …
57.   Last night, I dreamt a giant …
58.   Wow, things really look different when you are …
59.   Hurtling through the air, the rider gripped the handlebars and …
60.   “Don’t let go!” shouted …
61.   “I wish I could do that!” exclaimed …
62.   “That’s not fair!” wailed the criminal. “You’re wearing skates!”
63.   I never thought being a police officer would mean …
64.   The criminal hollered, “When I get out of jail, I’ll …”
65.   “I’m innocent!” exclaimed …
66.   Suddenly I felt a tingling sensation, Bob dreamed …
67.   “Not bamboo again,” complained …
68.   I opened my eyes  and suddenly realised I was upside down…
69.   “He’s looking a bit shaky up there,” the reporter said worriedly…
70.   The cyclone survivors looked around them and …
71.   “Will our lives ever be the same?” exclaimed …
72.   Reports on the disaster described …
73.   As she blew out the candles, Rosa thought …
74.   I could not wait to tell my friend …
75.   Whispering excitedly to her friend, Tonya said …
76.   “What are you two whispering about?” Danny’s mother asked …
77.   I could not believe my eyes when I got on the bus and saw …
78.   “Hey driver, how much further before …
79.   If you are determined enough, you can …
80.   If I were disabled, I wonder if I could …
81.   Struggling against the surging water, Benny gripped his dog and …
82.   My clothes are wet and cold, but I don’t care, thought …
83.   Everyone on the playground was speechless when …
84.   The teacher ran toward the student to stop …
85.   “Look out …--- here it comes!” yelled Bobby’s friends as …
86.   The man thought, If I had lived a different life …
87.   When I went to investigate the noise in the kitchen …
88.   “Shhh! If we wake anyone up, we’ll …”

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