Monday, October 13, 2014

Interesting vocabulary phrases

Term 4/Wk 1

Fill in the blanks with the words learnt from the Spelling List.
1.       He shouted at his mother rudely when she asked him to tidy his bedroom. This is an act of defiance.
2.       After he was beaten by his mother, he regained his posture and apologized to her sincerely before going to his bedroom to tidy it up.
3.       I am very restless as I have nothing to do today, so I fidget in my chair.
4.       When we were watching the YOG, we squealed with delight at seeing that our paddler won the game.
5.       Ms Havisham is so queer that nobody can stand her eccentricity.
6.       After winning the race, I was awarded a trophy, so I flushed with pride.
7.       When I was teased for losing in the competition, tears of mock defeat streamed down my face.
8.       When my sister stares at me angrily, I dodge her looks to show that I am ashamed.
9.       After being drenched in the rain, Mary’s hair was in frazzled clumps.
10.   When Hassan’s mother was applying medicine on his injury, he flinched from the swollen bruise.
11.   John’s father shouted at him all of a sudden, he wondered about the reason, so he looked perplexed.
12.   We had not eaten for a few days, so we wolfed down our food.
13.   Her son believed that she had killed his father, so his eyes were burning with hatred.
14.   He shuddered in fear when hiding from the murderer who had spotted him witnessing the killing.
15.   This girl always does her work very meticulously so you can trust her in doing a good job.

Term 4/Wk 1

Fill in the blanks with the words learnt from the Spelling List.
1.       He shouted at his mother rudely when she asked him to tidy his bedroom. This is an ________________________________.
2.       After he was beaten by his mother, he ___________________________ and apologized to her sincerely before going to his bedroom to tidy it up.
3.       I am very restless as I have nothing to do today, so I ______________________________.
4.       When we were watching the YOG, we ______________________________ at seeing that our paddler won the game.
5.       Ms Havisham is so queer that nobody can stand her _____________________.
6.       After winning the race, I was awarded a trophy, so I _______________________________.
7.       When I was teased for losing in the competition, __________________________________ streamed down my face
8.       When my sister stares at me angrily, I ______________________ to show that I am ashamed.
9.       After being drenched in the rain, Mary’s hair was _________________________________.
10.   When Hassan’s mother was applying medicine on his injury, he ______________________________________.
11.   John’s father shouted at him all of a sudden, he wondered about the reason, so he looked _______________________.
12.   We had not eaten for a few days, so we __________________________________.
13.   Her son believed that she had killed his father, so his eyes were ________________________________________.
14.   He _____________________________________ when hiding from the murderer who had spotted him witnessing the killing.
15.   This girl always does her work very ___________________ so you can trust her in doing a good job.

Term 4/Wk 2

1.       When I saw my friend lying on the road after being hit by a car, I stood there petrified, my blood drained from my face.
2.       I saw his head oozing with blood and I stood there in a daze.
3.       My friend was moaning as his head throbbed in pain.
4.       I stared at the motionless body in front of me and staggered back a step.
5.       When I realized that my friend was not dead yet, I surged with relief.
6.       When his mother came to the accident site and realised that the car-driver had knocked him down at the zebra crossing, her eyes were glazed and red.
7.       The on-lookers did not know what had happened earlier so they could only shrug their shoulders and shake their heads.
8.       His mother was so infuriated after realizing that the car-driver ran away after hitting her son down.
9.       I was indignant at being treated with such disrespect that I stomped my feet in protest.
10.   After being influenced by bad company, my friend’s behaviour changed radically.
11.   When I saw him taking drugs in the toilet, it sends tremors down my spine.
12.    When he realised that his drug addiction was found out by me, his face showed a combination of fear and embarrassment.
13.   My classmate did not want to listen to our teacher, he undermined her authority.
14.   This eccentric lady is addicted not just to gambling, but also has grizzly obsessions of collecting beautiful shoes and handbags.
15.   After they had lost the match terribly with a score of 5-0, they looked ruefully at each other, feeling that they should have done better.

Term 4/Wk 2

1.       When I saw my friend lying on the road after being hit by a car, I stood there petrified, my blood _________________________________________.
2.       I saw his head oozing with blood and I stood there _______________________________.
3.       My friend was moaning as his head ____________________________________________.
4.       I stared at the motionless body in front of me and ______________________________________.
5.       When I realised that my friend was not dead yet, I _______________________________________.
6.       When his mother came to the accident site and realised that the car-driver had knocked him down at the zebra crossing, her eyes _________________________________.
7.       The on-lookers did not know what had happened earlier so they could only ___________________________________and shake their heads.
8.       His mother was so ____________________ after realizing that the car-driver ran away after hitting her son down.
9.       I was indignant at being treated with such disrespect that I ________________________________.
10.   After being influenced by bad company, my friend’s _______________ changed _______________.
11.   When I saw him taking drugs in the toilet, it sends ______________ down my _______________.
12.    When he realized that his drug addiction was found out by me, his face showed a combination of _________________________________________.
13.   My classmate did not want to listen to our teacher, he __________________________________.
14.   This eccentric lady is addicted not just to gambling, but also has ____________________________ of collecting beautiful shoes and handbags.
15.   After they had lost the match terribly with a score of 5-0, they looked __________________ at each other, feeling that they should have done better.

Term 4/Wk 3

1.         Mother scolded me for playing that prank on my brother. I put on a grim smile when asked by my aunt why I was scolded.
2.         In the story entitled “A Child Called “It”, Dave was his mother’s conquest for she could control and humiliate him in the way she wished and he could not retaliate.
3.         Dave was treated like an outcast by his mother who spurned and ill-treated him.
4.         Dave’s mother had been drinking in her room since morning, so her eyes were glazed and red and her breath smelled of booze.
5.         When Dave saw his mother holding a cane and pointing it at him, an ice-cold chill rushed through his body.
6.         He suddenly came up with an ingenious plan to explain to his teachers and principal for his paleness in the face and the red marks on his body.
7.          Dave knew that he would be badly beaten up if his teachers and principal reported on his mother, so his stomach coiled with a combination of fear and anticipation.
8.         He recalled what his mother had told him before that he would have to face dire consequences if he reported that she had abused and ill-treated him.
9.         When his mother was explaining to the principal how he had obtained those red marks on his arms, she put on her snake-like charm.
10.     Dave’s mother told his principal that he had an overactive imagination as he had often struck and scratched himself to catch attention.
11.     Dave felt a feeling of total emptiness as he recalled how his mother had boasted about how well-cared he was at home.
12.     When Dave’s mother told him about her successful meeting with the school principal, I could sense her heightened confidence, and that made him fear for his life.
13.     His will to live on was as solid as a rock no matter how badly his mother was abusing him.
14.     Dave’s teacher bought him a delicious meal, knowing that he had not eaten for many days. Now, he could eat in a dignified manner, without stealing from his classmates.
15.     His father quarrelled very loudly with his mother and the tempo build to an ear-shattering climax
Term 4/Wk 3

1.       Mother scolded me for playing that prank on my brother. I put on a __________________ smile when asked by my aunt why I was scolded.
2.       In the story entitled “A Child Called “It”, Dave was his mother’s __________________ for she could control and humiliate him in any way she wished and he could not retaliate.
3.       Dave was treated like an _________________ by his mother who spurned and ill-treated him.
4.       Dave’s mother had been drinking in her room since morning, so her eyes were glazed and red and her breath __________________________________________.
5.       When Dave saw his mother holding a cane and pointing it at him, an _________________________________.
6.       He suddenly came up with an ____________________ plan to explain to his teachers and principal for his paleness in the face and the red marks on his body.
7.       Dave knew that he would be badly beaten up if his teachers and principal reported on his mother, so his stomach ________________________________________________.
8.       He recalled what his mother had told him before that he would have to face ____________________________ if he reported that she had abused and ill-treated him.
9.       When his mother was explaining to the principal how he had obtained those red marks on his arms, she put on her snake-like charm.
10.   Dave’s mother told his principal that he had an ____________________________________ as he had often struck and scratched himself to catch attention.
11.   Dave felt _________________________________________ as he recalled how his mother had boasted about how well-cared he was at home.
12.   When Dave’s mother told him about her successful meeting with the school principal, I could __________________________________________, and that made him fear for his life.
13.   His will to live on was ______________________________ no matter how badly his mother was abusing him.
14.   Dave’s teacher bought him a delicious meal, knowing that he had not eaten for many days. Now, he could eat in a ____________________________, without stealing from his classmates.
15.   His father quarrelled very loudly with his mother and the tempo _______________________________.

Term 4/Wk 4

1.         That man exhausted all possibilities of reconciling with his wife.
2.         His friend devised a plan to trick his fellow colleagues into believing that he could ----
3.         She was so scared when he saw the cane that he crumpled to her knees
4.         She was concentrating in her studies until she was interrupted by hunger pangs
5.         Dave was thrashed relentlessly by his mother who was angry with him all the time.
6.         He felt nauseating after gobbling a lot of food.
7.         He was so hungry that he gobbled the food as fast as I could.
8.         He was driving very smoothly until he saw a dog in the middle of the path and made an abrupt halt.
9.         He was very restless in that chair as he squirmed in every direction sitting in that chair.
10.        warm sensation oozed from my nostrils
11.        a walking disgrace
12.        Th reminiscence
13.        began to whimper
14.        sophisticated
15.        regurgitated

Term 4/Wk 5

heated battle of words
trance-like state
a calmness filled my soul
tears of panic streamed down my cheeks
morale dwindled
no remorse in her eyes
laboured breathing
saturated with blood
feeling of friendship and warmth
flinching from the pain
screaming was muffled
overcame great odds
a river of tears

Term 4/Wk 6

gaunt cheeks
new ray of hope
gry took over his jet black hair
stood before her dumbstruck
an ounce of respect
vented my feelings of hatred
out of sympathy
slumped my shoulders
retreating into the solitude of my dreams
morbid life
gritted my teeth
hope deteriorated

Term 4/Wk 7

quavering voice
as though I was walking on eggshells
beds of sweat forming on my forehead
cold, hollow feeling deep in my soul
emotions swirled back and forth
my soul became consumed in a black void
cringed with hate
magnitude of pain and loneliness
heart became as hard as stone
absolute snobbery
immaculately dressed in a suit
renewed vigour
squirmed away from grip

Term 4/Wk 8

laughter filled my heart with warmth
alienate from him
lost its glamour
sun making its final descent
stare in awe
endless sea of faces
explosive pounding of the surf
sky bathed with streaks of orange and blue
 gazes at the darkening sky
maintain my dignity

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