Monday, October 13, 2014

Interesting Vocabulary and Phrases for Creative Writing

Interesting Vocabulary and Phrases for Creative Writing

1.                   Viciously attacked me
2.                   Fled but not before seriously wounding …
3.                   Cared and nursed me back to health
4.                   Defended myself but he was too strong and swift for me.
5.                   Frolicking between the seaweed and corals
6.                   Grew increasing anxious
7.                   Calming the frantic _____, she furiously ____
8.                   Oh! Horrors of horrors! I had forgotten ___
9.                   Alas! My remorse was too late. Dr Soon clucked disapprovingly.
10.               The roar of his equipment was deafening. I tensed, waiting for the pain to start. Suddenly, he   stopped prodding my teeth.
11.               “Okay, Julia, we’re done,” said the dentist matter-of-factly.
12.               Could something be keeping him? Was he at work? My mind was confused and thoughts ran     wild as I thought of the horrible things that might have befallen him.
13.               Dragging my weary body, I  went to bed.
14.               I saw a small box tied with a silk ribbon next to me. I opened it and then saw a gorgeous,              sparkling ring sitting on lush, blue velvet. At that moment, I realised that my husband was a                 good man and that was why I married him!
15.               “Screech!” The screaming of the tyres skidding against tar and granite woke everyone up            immediately while I was rudely snapped out of my pleasant daydreams.
16.               Jenny’s frightened wails made us even more frantic.
17.               A single shaft of moonlight filtered through the thick curtains of Andrew’s room. The only           other source of light was the flickering computer monitor that Andrew was gazing ever so     intently into. The sound of the continuous frog-mating symphony that was being performed      outside the window was mingled with unnatural, often eerie sounds coming from the              computer speakers.
18.               Seized by a moment of frustration, Andrew turned off the computer and decided to resume     his game tomorrow. He jumped quickly into bed, hoping that the four hours of rest would    allow him to survive the long day he had ahead of him.
19.               Evidently, this was not to be. As he slowly dozed off into what should have been a dreamless    sleep, a strange, hissing cackle sounded from the direction of the window. Needless to say,          Andrew was wide awake now. Even the frogs seemed to sense that something was amiss            and ceased their desperate calls for a mate. Thoroughly scared of his wits, Andrew could not          even muster the courage to draw back the curtains to investigate the source of the noise.
20.               Suddenly, another even more sinister laugh punctuated the stillness of the night. It sounded     even closer this time – somewhere inside the room! Next, a shadow descended upon the           room, easily overwhelming the light of the moon. Andrew opened his frail mouth in a silent              scream. After a short scuffle, all was quiet again and the frogs resumed their calls.
21.               Until today, this mysterious tragedy remains unsolved. Only his grandmother with the other      old people who gather at the senior citizens club nearby, merely shake their heads          resignedly saying, “What can one expect when one stays awake during the first few hours of             the seventh day of the Hungry Ghost Festival?”

A Blackout
22.   Father thundered in exasperation
23.   Father got angry over such trifles
24.   Being under unreasonable pressure at work does not give him the right to scold me unnecessarily
25.   The usual din of the HDB flat we lived in died down
26.   Darkness rapidly descended as the TV flickered off and the lights went off
27.   …so terrified of the dark that I could not even pass a dark alley without shivering in fright.
28.   Could feel the monsters lurking in the shadows, ready to attack if the fragile light of the candle flame went out
29.   Electricity was restored
30.   Heaved a sigh of relief
31.   No more monsters waiting to eat me
32.   Loud cheers that filtered through the walls seemed to echo my feelings of relief
33.   How important energy conservation really was
34.   Never again would my father have to nag at me about switching off the lights anymore.

The death of a pet dog
35.   The boy was handsome but what caught me were his eyes. They were anxious. He was carrying, with both arms, a dog. It looked friendly enough, yet there was a hint of arrogance in the way it postured itself.
36.   I carried her and as I conversed with the boy, I felt her body all over until my fingers detected a slight hardness on the stomach.
37.   I did not know what to do then, how to tell this young boy such painful news.
38.   As the boy stroked the white fur of this lovely creature, my palms turned sweaty as I pondered what to say.
39.   If the tumour was removed surgically, she would survive about a year with regular chemotherapy treatment but it was not guaranteed.
40.   The boy looked away, the heavy blow numbing him first.
41.   Then as the seconds ticked by, the numbness gave way to sheer agony.
42.   His face contorted as he tried so hard to keep the tears inside – a small boy, grappling with tragedy. He stroked his friend again, tears dripping onto her coat.
43.   I told the boy that I could put him to sleep quite painlessly and it would end her suffering. The boy closed his eyes and bit his lip. I waited patiently. Then he nodded his head.
44.   I prepared the needle as the boy knelt beside the dog, whispering his last words.
45.   Sometimes, the finest gift you can ever give is to assume the pain of someone you love so that he can be free of it.
46.   A needle pierced the dog’s skin and within two minutes, she was asleep. The boy cupped his face in his hands, the pain overwhelming him. His shoulders slumped. I followed the boy as he shuffled outside.


                A mistake that Jasmine would not want to repeat
1.       Followed the good advice of her elders, studied hard and never once had she been caught talking unnecessarily in class. In fact, she had been awarded a Medal of Commendation during ….
2.       Her one ‘fatal flaw’ was the fact that she would never willingly help her parents with the housework.
3.       Had always resented the fact that she had to do menial chores when all her other friends had the luxury of maids cleaning up after them.
4.       Trying to concentrate on an interesting book, Jasmine merely nodded without actually listening to her mother’s instructions.
5.       “The sky is overcast, jasmine. Remember to take the clothes down later.  Don’t get too engrossed in your book’” Mrs Chng continued before closing the front door.
6.       Suddenly, Jasmine remembered her chore. She scrambled hurriedly to the back of the house to get the clothes in. How could I have forgotten about them? She thought to herself exasperated. Oh! How I hate doing this. They shouldn’t make her to do such stupid things. To her horror, she realised that her costume to that night’s Halloween Party at Sandra’s house had also been hanging on the clothesline as well. Its limpness made it clear that it, too, was wet. She had to be dressed in half an hour! What was she going to do?
7.       Mrs Chng’s irritated voice boomed across the hall. Jasmine turned around guiltily at the sound of her voice.
8.       As she plodded heavily to her room that night, she thought about the unhappy turn of events and vowed to herself never to make the same mistake again.

It was my first goodbye
1.       I became depressed. I could not believe that we were actually moving!
2.       It was Father’s dream for us to be able to afford a more comfortable life.
3.       Although Mother had been constantly upbeat about our move, I knew that it was merely a mask for the benefit of Billy, my three-year-old brother and myself.
4.       I could see the hesitance and fear in her eyes when she thought that no one was looking.
5.       The many memories I had accumulated in my twelve short years flitted rapidly through my mind. I started tearing.
6.       “Oh stop being such a coward!” I chastised myself. I said goodbye to my three best friends yesterday. It was my first goodbye. This thought brought fresh tears to my already wet, red eyes. I was never going to have friends like that ever again.
7.       School was probably going to be a serious and unfriendly place where no one would want to talk to the new girl. Why would they? If I were in their position, I might feel the same, too. No neighbours like Mrs Ng would give me treats every day and no cousins would ever be able to come over and play anymore.
8.       Wondering who it could be, I opened the door and immediately, a loud merry voice boomed, “Hi! You must be our new neighbours. We’re the Chans. We brought you some cakes that we just baked.”
9.       Wow! I had always wanted to try roller-blading, but unfortunately, I did not have a pair of roller blades and I told Kerry, my neighbour, so.

10.   “Why, I’d love that. Thanks!” I exclaimed excitedly. We had lots of fun that day. Maybe life in Singapore was not going to be that bad after all.

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