Friday, February 21, 2014

Extra Spelling List: A Good Deed (Friday, 28 Feb, No: 1 -20);

A Good Deed

  1. Stomach was churning
  2. Clutching his abdomen tightly
  3. Weaved his way through the crowded shopping mall
  4. Like packed snow with shoppers milling around
  5. Jamboree
  6. Jovial chatters filled the air
  7. Bawling at the top of their voices
  8. Synergy of the boisterous crowd and the merriment all around
  9. Stomach churned …violently
  10. Urgency for the loo
  11. Running as fast as his legs could carry him
  12. Got his act together
  13. Miniscule space
  14. Hit the arcade
  15. Sound reverberated
  16. Craned his neck high and low
  17. Contemplated seriously
  18. Knitting his brows together earnestly
  19. Weighed out his conscience and his desire
  20. Little gadget came alive
  21. After some major dithering
  22. Fretful
  23. Thanked Tim copiously
  24. A dashing gentleman
  25. Walked towards Tim in steady strides
  26. A slight tinge of disinclination
  27. Being a boy of integrity
  28. Beamed a proud grin
  29. Meandered through the crowd
  30. Noise reached a deafening level

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