Monday, February 24, 2014

Runner Approaching the Finishing Line

Runner Approaching the Finishing Line

He entered the stadium. The scorching sun beat mercilessly on his back. A sea of grim faces stared at him. His shoes continued to pound the track. The sweat from his face trickled into his mouth that opened and closed like the mouth of a goldfish.
Suddenly the crowd stood up and started to cheer. He looked up. Many people waved at him. He realized that he was fast catching up on the only runner in front of him. He accelerated his pace. The crowd went wild. He felt as though he was walking on air. Soon, he was side by side with the runner. He extended his stride and overtook the runner. He was now in the lead. He gave one last push and his sweat drenched body cut through the white tape. He won.

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