Sunday, February 16, 2014

Project Work: How to take a photograph that best describes a chosen proverb

Project Work

Objective             :         To take a photograph that best describes a                                                    chosen proverb

Task description:         Group members do simple research on how they                                          can go about taking good photographs. They can                                         search for the relevant information by visiting                                                          the library and/or surfing the Internet.

                                      Group members will choose a given proverb and                                         take a photograph that best describes it.

                                      Group members will present their photographs
                                      to their peers and teacher.

Group name      :       __________________________________

Group members :       1)_________________________________

 Role of group members (to make sure all members of the team stay on task during group discussions).

Leader              –   __________________________________

Encourager       –   __________________________________


Questioner        –   __________________________________

Timekeeper       –   __________________________________


List of proverbs to choose from:

a)   A bad workman always blames his tools.
b)   A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
c)   An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
d)   Don’t carry all your eggs in one basket.
e)   Birds of a feather flock together.

Proverb chosen: _________________________________________


What did the group members do in order to take a suitable photograph for the proverb chosen?

You may refer to the guiding questions below and write it out in point form. These points will be useful for your Group Writing.

Guiding questions:

1.   How did the members decide on an appropriate setting for their   
2.   How did the group members decide on the contents of the photo?
3.   How was the photo taken, e.g., which mode was used?
4.   How did the group decide on the best photograph to be used for the presentation?
5.   How did the group prepare for the presentation?









My Thoughts After the Project
1     What did I learn about myself and my friends from doing this project?



2     What other knowledge did I use when I was taking photographs in my group?



3     What might I do differently if I were to do this project again?



4     Did I enjoy working with my group members? Why?



Note to pupil:
Remember to bring along this resource sheet (RS3.7) for your Group and Individual Writing.

Additional readings for pupils prior to Project Work

1)      What to consider when buying a camera  

Define your needs
·        Write down what your primary goal is. Why do you need a camera? If all you need is a camera for vacation snapshots, then a cheaper model might be better for you.

·        Write down how many times you expect to be using the camera. The more you use it, the more likely you are to upgrade your camera. Buy nice or buy twice.

·        Write down how much you want to spend. This is a good way to decide on the type of camera you will be buying. Do not be afraid to go a little over so that you can get a camera you will keep much longer.

Compare the different models of cameras
·        Feel the weight. Is it too heavy for you to carry around while on vacation?

·        Feel the camera in your hands. Is it comfortable?

·        Take notes or ask for brochures so that you will not forget what you just had in your hands.


·        Think about the future. If you think you won't be taking pictures as a hobby, but rather just to point and shoot, it's probably not worth getting an expensive digital SLR camera.

·        With digital cameras, do not be taken in by the number of megapixels. A typical compact camera will show a decrease in image quality above six megapixels.

·        Be sure to compare a lot. There are lots of websites full of information, reviews and user experiences. Use this to your advantage.

·        Do not forget to get accessories. A carrying strap or bag can be a lifesaver when you're carrying your camera around a lot.

·        If you choose a digital camera, ask the salesperson how many pictures you can fit on a given memory card. Decide if this is too much or too little.

·        It is normally cheaper to buy a memory card with storage capacity of one giga-byte rather than two memory cards with storage of 512 mega-bytes each.

·        Buy plenty of memory. Do not buy a small amount and resort to deleting pictures from the camera to make room. Furthermore, deleting pictures can corrupt the card.

·        Format the memory card after each time you upload them to your computer.

2)    How do you take good photographs?

·        Press the “on” button and wait for it to load.

·        Adjust the settings if necessary.

·        Look into the LCD screen or use the viewfinder to frame your picture.

·        Zoom in or out if necessary.

·        Once the target is in the screen, hold the camera still, press and hold in the button until the camera flashes. On most digital cameras, if you press the photo button halfway, it will focus the picture and make the image look nicer.

·        View your picture by using the playback button on the camera.

Additional resources:

*Note that the teacher is to preview the links before the lesson. The links were active  
 and suitable for classroom use at the time of printing.
What the Proverbs Mean

1.   A bad workman always blames his tools.

          A careless or unskilled worker often blames bad work on his tools   rather than on himself.

2.   A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

          It is better to have something certain than to run after two of the same       thing and not be sure of getting them.

3.   An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

          Apples are so nutritious they keep you in the peak of health.   (Literal meaning)

4.   Don’t carry all your eggs in one basket.

          Do not rely too much on something or someone such that       success or           failure depends solely on it.

5.   Birds of a feather flock together.

          Those with similar taste or characteristics often come together as a           group.

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