Friday, February 21, 2014

Spelling and Dictation (Wed 26 Feb) : P5 Unit 3 – Photography

Spelling and Dictation
The sky was overcast. Dark clouds loomed above giving the sky an ominous feel though rain would come crashing through any time soon. The ride was really bumpy. Being trapped in a small cabin for the next six hours was sheer mental torture. However, thoughts of seeing Grandpa and all my favourite cousins warmed my heart, making this all well worth it! 
“BANG!” A sudden explosion followed by an earth-shattering jerk shook through the entire train. Everyone was thrown off their seats as the train tilted perilously to its side. I landed on the floor of the cabin in the most ungracious manner, banging my head in the process. Chaos reigned in the train as passengers flew into a panic. The train finally came to a full halt. My train had run off its track!
A glance outside to the once picturesque sights of calm hills filled with greenery was now a major nightmare. To keep my balance was like attempting a mission impossible. Everyone was lunging for the emergency exits. People were going berserk just to save their own lives. There was no time to spare. Anxiety charged through my veins. I grabbed the nearest suitcase off the rack and headed for the nearest window. With all my might, I heaved it at the window smashing it. I climbed out of the cabin and onto the muddy tracks. The sight that greeted me challenged my sanity.

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