Sunday, February 16, 2014

Procedural Text Type Chart

Procedural Text Type Chart


·        An aim or goal
·        A list of materials needed  
·        Steps/instructions on how to proceed (using imperative verbs)


·        Aim stated as a statement or specifically labeled Aim:  
·        Materials needed either integrated in the text or written as a list
·        A set of instructions, as specific steps or in paragraph form
·        A glossary or dictionary with the entries sometimes shown in the text in italics


·        the reader is often referred to in a general way, e.g., you (understood) or one
·        action verbs (imperative verbs),
          e.g., cut, fold, twist, hold
·        simple present tense,   e.g., (you) cut, fold, mix
·        linking words to do with time are used to connect the text, e.g., first, then, next
·         detailed factual description (shape, size, colour, amount)  

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