Friday, August 22, 2014

Answers to Synthesis 1 -4

1.       Neither Adam nor Daniel is convinced by Sally’s explanation of her absence.
Both Adam and Daniel are not convinced by Sally’s explanation of her absence.
2.       Helen asked John if he had thought of where he wanted to visit that afternoon.
Helen asked John, “Have you thought of where you want to visit this afternoon?”
3.       I prefer reading at home to going to the cinema.
I would rather read at home than go to the cinema.
4.       Kelly was disciplined and diligent during the school holidays. Her mother was delighted.
Kelly’s discipline and diligence during the holidays delighted her mother.
5.       Jenny refused to follow Mr Ali’s instructions. He was frustrated.
Jenny’s refusal to follow Mr Ali’s instructions frustrated him.
6.       Jane spotted a stain on her new dress. It made her angry.
The sight of a stain on her new dress made Jane angry.
7.       Mrs Lim reminded her pupils not to forget to bring their report books the following week.
Mrs Lim reminded her pupils, “ Don’t forget to bring your report books next week.”
8.       Sam saw the injured cat in pain. He took it to the vet.
Having seen the injured cat in pain, he took it to the vet.
9.       Terence had withdrawn from the basketball team. The coach was shocked.
The coach was shocked by Terence’s withdrawal from the basketball team.
10.   Rachel is very persistent. She has made a new swim record in the Youth Olympics.
Owing to Rachel’s persistence, she has made a new swim record in the Youth Olympics.
11.   My brother does not like eating yoghurt. My sister does not like eating yoghurt too.
Neither of my siblings likes eating yoghurt.
1.     The task was very difficult. Greg persevered until he had completed it.
However difficult the task was, Greg persevered until he had completed it.

2.     The sheik is wealthier than any other man on earth.
There is no man on earth wealthier than the sheik.

3.     Jerome hid his test paper. He had not done well and he did not want to be punished by his father.
Jerome hid his test paper lest he be punished by his father for not having done well.

4. The sales associate agreed to work overtime after her manager promised to give     
     her a day off in lieu.
     The sales associate agreed to work overtime  on the condition that her manager   
     promised to give her a day off in lieu.

5. If the sales target is not met by the end of the year, the employees will lose their
    The employees will lose their bonuses  should the sales target be not met by the  
end of the year.