Saturday, August 23, 2014

Vocabulary 1

1.              The police _________ Bala of committing the crime though they were still unable to gather conclusive evidence.(arrested, acquitted, detained, suspected)
2.              Serena seemed rather ________ today. I think she is worried about the upcoming tennis competition against her strongest opponent. (bewildered, distracted, frenzied, puzzled)
3.              The general office was __________ with phone calls after the principal’s announcement yesterday. (filled, flooded, drowned, stormed)
4.              Not wanting to ___________ the agony, Ann decided to see the dentist at once to have her aching teeth attended to. (evade, prolong, elongate, outsource)
5.              Sally’s account is __________ Josie’s account of the incident. Who is telling the truth? (at length, at present, at odds, at a loose end)
6.              The programme will _______ once everyone is seated.  (comment, commend, commence, comprehend)
7.              Amanda’s attempt to shoplift was __________ by the quick-thinking shop assistant. (foiled, curbed, wrecked, hindered)
8.              The tourists were awed as they _________ the scenic view of the entire city from the top floor of the tallest hotel. (took in, tore apart, thought over, tracked down)
9.              People began hoarding food and necessities as the threat of war ____ ominously. ( loomed, emerged, gathered, threatened)
10.          There is a possibility that the computer will render textbooks _______ in the near future as it provides students with real-time information. ( invalid, extinct, obsolete, unfashionable)
11.          Peter has won the badminton tournament three times in __________. He now aims to represent Singapore at the next Youth Olympic Games. (progression, procession, concession, succession)
12.          Self-centred max believes he is the most important person around. His friends find him too ___________. (egoistic, sadistic, futuristic, optimistic)
13.          The team of researchers had worked tirelessly for the last two years before they finally got their _________ and produced the vaccine. (breakup, breakaway, breakdown, breakthrough)

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