Friday, August 22, 2014

Grammar 2

Countable nouns
Use of a/ an  – e.g. a unicorn, an egg
Use of many/ a few/ a number of used for countable nouns
Uncountable  Nouns
The grass in the field
The car (that car mentioned earlier)
Much, Little,
For both countable/uncountable nouns
Some, plenty of / any
Use of ‘the’
One and only one – the sun, the moon, the universe, The Chinese High
The rich, the poor – adj being used as headword is the subject of a verb. (The rich are/live here.)
No article needed : my sister Elizabeth, more Chopin, Tiong Bahru Plaza/ Park, Singapore.
Exception: The United States of America, The United Nations, the President of United States, The Prime Minister of Singapore.
Subject and Verb Agreement:
Many/ all / both – use plural verbs, e.g. Many people are gathered here.
A  boy likes to play with toy guns.
Expenses are sometimes claimed.
Trousers are kept in this drawer.
A pair of pliers is needed.

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