Saturday, August 23, 2014

P5 Grammar (T1- T3)

P5 Stellar 2014
Grammar Items
Term 1
Unit / Theme
Grammar Items to cover in Companion Booklet
1/ Heartbeats in the Dark ( House of Bugs)
Modals in Reported Speech
Connectors of Addition (both, as well as, not only, but also)
Connectors of Reason (because, since, as, for)

2/ Late but not Last
(An Interview)
Noun Phrases in Apposition
Prepositions (against, for, with)
Used to
Connectors of contrast
3/Basic Photography
(How to Create A Book Blog)
Verbs and Nouns
Connectors (so that, in order to)
Conditional (if)
Connectors (unless)

P5 Stellar 2014
Grammar Items
Term 2
Unit / Theme
Grammar Items to cover in Companion Booklet
4/ Ride On ( Cycling Is Fun)
Modals (could, would, need to)
Connectors of Contrast (instead of, instead, or, but in fact, however, in contrast)
5/ Space Junk (Space Tourism)
Past Tense and Present Perfect Tense
Connectors (until, if, unless)
Passive Voice
6/ When I Grow Up
 (Just Like Him)
Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect and Reported Speech
Connectors (since, as, for)

P5 Stellar 2014
Grammar Items
Term 3
Unit / Theme
Grammar Items to cover in Companion Booklet
7/ Ten ( With Grandpa)
variety of present and past tenses
'Used to' for past events
Hypothetical Conditional (I would be afraid if I did not know that...)
Phrases - adverbials, nouns, prepositional, adjectives
Phrasal Verbs
Connectors for time [sometimes, nowadays, once in a while, when we were young]
Connectors of result and contrast: consequently;
therefore; however, nonetheless, nevertheless

8/ What Happens When You Laugh (Why It Feels Good to Scratch An Itch)
[action and sensing verbs]: hear, see, feel, laugh, cry, vibrate, move, forces, works, pumps
[present continuous] to explain things happening
at the same time or for conditional: When your
body tenses, you are waiting for the punchline.
If you are laughing really hard, your eyes water and clean themselves.
Connectors of cause and effect : as, when, since, because, therefore

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