Saturday, August 23, 2014

Synthesis Sept 2

1. Ellen studied very hard for her examinations. She wanted to do well and be awarded scholarship.
     Determined to ______________

2. This blockbuster is the highest-grossing motion picture of the decade. It has electrifying special effects and a star-studded cast.
 Due to

3. Walter is a magnanimous and generous person. His cousin, Danny, is a petty and stingy person.
In contrast to

4. Mr Abdul became a teacher last year. He was a policeman before that.
   Prior to

5. Jim wanted to be on time for his first day of school. The bus he was on broke down and he was late by an hour.
 ______________________________ but _______________ consequently_______________

6. Eve found her late father's will a year after he had passed away. She realised he had owned millions of dollars.
Only when

7. Terry is well-liked by his peers because he is a helpful and compassionate person.
 Owing to

8. Carrie has to attend CCA after school each day. She also has to attend enrichment classes on weekends.
 In addition to


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