Saturday, August 23, 2014

Synthesis Sept 4

1.       Neither Adam nor Daniel is convinced by Sally’s explanation of her absence.
  Both __________________________________________________________________

2.       Helen asked John if he had thought of where he wanted to visit that afternoon.
  Helen asked John, “______________________________________________________?”

3.       I prefer reading at home to going to the cinema.
  I would rather ___________________________________________________________.

4.       Kelly was disciplined and diligent during the school holidays. Her mother was delighted.
  Kelly’s _________________________________________________________________.

5.       Jenny refused to follow Mr Ali’s instructions. He was frustrated.
  Jenny’s ________________________________________________________________.

6.       Jane spotted a stain on her new dress. It made her angry.
  The sight _______________________________________________________________.

7.       Mrs Lim reminded her pupils not to forget to bring their report books the following week.
  Mrs Lim reminded her pupils, “ ______________________________________________.

8.       Sam saw the injured cat in pain. He took it to the vet.
  Having __________________________________________________________________.

9.       Terence had withdrawn from the basketball team. The coach was shocked.
   ______________________________________by _______________________________.

10.   Rachel is very persistent. She has made a new swim record in the Youth Olympics.
  Owing to  _______________________________________________________________.

11.   My brother does not like eating yoghurt. My sister does not like eating yoghurt too.
  Neither of _______________________________________________________________.

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