Friday, August 22, 2014

Vocabulary 2

1.       The police officers ____________  all the evidence in the room to make sure that no stone was left unturned. ( probed, dissected, scrutinised, researched)
2.       The doctor assured the patient that the pain will ____________ once she has taken the painkiller. (lapse, recede, dwindle, subside)
3.       The special task force has come up with a _____ plan to capture the wanted terrorist who will definitely fall for it. (ingenious, inoperable,indigenous, insurmountable)
4.       Ben tried to ______  a yawn during the lesson as he did not want to be scolded by his teacher. (stifle, sniffle, snuffle, snooze)
5.       Imprinted in wax (imitated, duplicated, impressed, represented)
6.       The committees eventually unanimously selected Mr Chia as the chairman. (routinely, generally, consistently, consensually)
7.       United States’ emblem (mark, token, motto, symbol)
8.       The dog was quite fierce when provoked. (alerted, aggravated, accelerated, accommodated)
9.       A rustic village (metropolitan, cosmopolitan, sophisticated, simple)
10.   Modern and illustrious cities (barren, solitary, famous, ubiquitous)
11.   A quiet oasis where neighbours still know each other intimately. (resort, refuge, reserve, reception)
12.   The anonymity of city living (obscurity, notoriety, publicity, liberty)
13.   Enjoys the friendly nature of the village folk (cynical, inimical, amicable, incompatible)
14.   The audience _____ in amazement at the performer’s acrobatic stunts when he contorted his body to fit into the small box. (peeked, peered, gloated, gawked)
15.   How does your sister keep her home so _______ despite her busy schedule? There is not a speck of dust to be seen. (impervious, immaterial, immaculate, impoverished)
16.   The entrepreneur attended the party in order to ______ with wealthy businessmen, hoping that they would contribute generously to his fund-raising project. (pay an arm and a leg, rub shoulders, toe the line, face the music)
17.   Everyone in class went into a petrified ______ when Mr Sim blew his top. No one dared to move at all. (truce, trance, convocation , convention)

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