Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Use of Adverbs


I went very quickly into the wooden shed. It was somewhat dilapidated and yet, there was a homely feeling to it. I walked up to the chest of drawers, and with a piece of old newspaper that I found lying nearby, I wiped off the dust from the surface. Yes, it was still there. I had thought the childishly drawn picture of a wilting flower would have faded with age. But no, it was still there. Slowly, I traced the outlines with my index finger and sighed,"It's been a long time, such a long time."

The fabrics on the upholstered chairs and sofa were slightly thicker and more luxurious; the table legs were not straight like those at home, but slender and curved, with a beautifully curved decoration at the foot... But this room's walls were completely covered by bookcases, filled, which reached to the ceiling... Then the man moved with surprising quickness to the corner where the bed was. He sat on a chair beside Jonas, who was motionless, waiting for what would happen next.
(adapted from The Giver by Lois Lowry)

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