Monday, September 15, 2014

Grammar (2)- 1 Sept

1. Mr Wong walked away, ( muttering) angrily under his breath.

2. The two teams _________________. They are waiting for the match to start. ( arrive, arrives, are arriving, have arrived)

3. Linda felt something ___________ up her legs. ( crawl, crawled, had crawled, was crawling)

4.several people were hurt ____________ a fire broke out. ( while, when, which, where)

5. Mrs lee is tired _____ reprimanding him every day. ( of, for, off, from)

6. Bacon and eggs ________ the chef's specialty. ( is are was we're)

7. Taking My sister and _____ to the park. ( I me mine myself)

8. _____ my explanation, Jia Wei was not convinced that he was in the wrong. ( since, in spite of , Despite,  although)

9. The book belongs to you, _________ it? ( is, isn't , does, doesn't )

10. After Rachael ________ her medication, she went to bed. ( take, took, takes, had taken)

11. If I were you, I would check my work before handing in my exam papers.

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