Wednesday, September 17, 2014



Tips for  Retelling a Story

How do I retell a story?

1.   Read the story.
2.   Think about the story. (Predicting – sentences, words, phrases)
3.   Retell the story. (Purpose for retelling)


Good Listeners:
have eye contact with the storyteller/speaker
listen carefully
think about the parts of the retelling without talking out loud
usually say something positive about the retelling
pay attention to the retelling without interrupting

Some important things to remember when giving comments:
R I must show mutual respect when giving feedback to my friends.
R Only one pupil speaks at one time. Other pupils must listen carefully and take notes of the retelling.
R I should keep my comments as positive as possible.
R I should keep my comments short and to the point.
R When responding to comments and questions, I should remember to ask for suggestions and other ideas to improve the retelling.
R I must be specific and clear when giving my comments.
R I should give a positive comment first before giving suggestions for improvement.

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