Monday, September 15, 2014

Description of the School

1.       Everything was covered in dusty grey as the school was undergoing a facelift.
2.       The stentorian voice of the principal boomed out across the public announcement system, stopping everyone in their tracks.
3.       Test papers rustled as they were passed down the rows in the tense silence of the examination hall. The clickety-clack of the teacher’s heeled shoes echoed down the aisle.
4.       During recess, the canteen was in a chaotic din, with all the students running around and playing.
5.       The whole class roared a live with mischievous jokes and jovial laughter the second the teacher turned her back and sauntered out of the classroom.
6.       A sense of nostalgia overwhelmed him when he took a walk down the memory lane in his alma mater.
7.       The PSLE students felt their hearts palpitating nervously as they waited for their results in the very same school hall that they took their exams.
8.       Apprehension swirled like winter chill amongst all the students as they waited for the arrival of the class’s new teacher.
9.       When the notorious boy challenged the teacher’s answer, awkwardness hung in the classroom like an invisible cloak stifling everyone.
10.   She felt her throat go dry with her escalated anxiety when she stared at the list of exam questions that seemed so foreign to her.

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