Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Synonyms for SMALL

in·sig·nif·i·cant /ˌɪn sɪgˈnɪf ɪ kənt/  adjective
1. unimportant, trifling, or petty: Omit the insignificant details.
2. too small to be important: an insignificant sum.
3. of no consequence, influence, or distinction: a minor, insignificant bureaucrat.
4. without weight of character; contemptible: an insignificant fellow.
5. without meaning; meaningless: insignificant sounds.
6. a word, thing, or person without significance.

min·ute 1 /ˈmɪn ɪt/  noun, verb, min·ut·ed, min·ut·ing, adjective
1. the sixtieth part ( 1  / 60  ) of an hour; sixty seconds.
2. an indefinitely short space of time: Wait a minute!
3. an exact point in time; instant; moment: Come here this minute!
4. minutes, the official record of the proceedings at a meeting of a society, committee, or other group.
5. Chiefly British . a written summary, note, or memorandum.
verb (used with object)
8. to time exactly, as movements or speed.
9. to make a draft of (a document or the like).
10. to record in a memorandum; note down.
11. to enter in the minutes of a meeting.
12. prepared in a very short time: minute pudding.
13. up to the minute, modern; up-to-date: The building design is up to the minute.

World Dictionary
1. extremely small, as in size, amount, extent, or degree: minute differences.
2. of minor importance; insignificant; trifling, petty
3. attentive to or concerned with even the smallest details: a minute examination.
4.  the distance that can be travelled in a minute: it's only two minutes away  

pe·tite /pəˈtit/  adjective
1. (of a woman) short and having a small, trim figure; diminutive.
2. a category of clothing sized for women or girls of less than average height and with average or diminutive figures.
3. a garment in such a size: The petites are on that rack.
4. a woman or girl who wears clothing of such a size.

elf·in /ˈɛl fɪn/  adjective
1. of or like an elf.
2. small and charmingly spritely, merry, or mischievous.
3. an elf.

pint-size /ˈpaɪntˌsaɪz/  adjective Informal.
comparatively small in size: a pint-size typewriter.
Also, pint-sized.  informal  very small; tiny 

min·i·a·ture /ˈmɪn i ə tʃər, -ˌtʃʊər, ˈmɪn ə tʃər/  
1. a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale.
2. a greatly reduced or abridged form or copy.
3. a very small painting, especially a portrait, on ivory, vellum, or the like.
4. the art of executing such a painting.
5. an illumination in an illuminated manuscript or book.
6. being, on, or represented on a small scale; reduced.
7. in miniature, in a reduced size; on a small scale: The zoo exhibition offered a jungle in miniature.

mi·cro·scop·ic /ˌmaɪ krəˈskɒp ɪk/  adjective
1. so small as to be invisible or indistinct without the use of the microscope: microscopic organisms.  Compare macroscopic.
2. very small; tiny.
3. of, pertaining to, or involving a microscope: microscopic investigation.
4. very detailed; meticulous: a microscopic view of society.
5. suggestive of the precise use of the microscope; minute: microscopic exactness

Lil·li·pu·tian /ˌlɪl ɪˈpyu ʃən/  adjective
1. extremely small; tiny; diminutive.
2. petty; trivial: Our worries are Lilliputian when compared with those of people whose nations are at war.
3. an inhabitant of Lilliput.
4. a very small person.
5. a person who is narrow or petty in outlook.

Pyg·my /ˈpɪg mi/  noun, plural Pyg·mies, adjective
1. Anthropology .
a. a member of a small-statured people native to equatorial Africa.
b. a Negrito of southeastern Asia, or of the Andaman or Philippine islands.
2. ( lowercase  ) a small or dwarfish person.
3. ( lowercase  ) anything very small of its kind.
4. ( lowercase  ) a person who is of small importance, or who has some quality, attribute, etc., in very small measure.
5. Classical Mythology . (in the Iliad  ) one of a race of dwarfs who fought battles with cranes, who preyed on them and destroyed their fields.

mea·ger /ˈmi gər/  adjective
1. deficient in quantity or quality; lacking fullness or richness; scanty; inadequate: a meager salary; meager fare; a meager harvest.
2. having little flesh; lean; thin: a body meager with hunger.
3.  lacking in richness or strength 

min·is·cule /ˈmɪn əˌskyul/  adjective
1. very small.
2. (of letters or writing) small; not capital.
3. written in such letters ( opposed to majuscule ).
4. a minuscule letter.
5. a small cursive script developed in the 7th century a.d. from the uncial, which it afterward superseded.

dwarf·ish /ˈdwɔr fɪʃ/  adjective
like a dwarf, especially in being abnormally small; diminutive.
— n  , pl  dwarfs , dwarves 
1.  Compare midget an abnormally undersized person, esp one with a large head and short arms and legs 
2.  a. an animal or plant much below the average height for the species 
 b. ( as modifier ): a dwarf tree  
3.  (in folklore) a small ugly manlike creature, often possessing magical powers 
4.  astronomy  short for dwarf star 

— vb  
5.  to become or cause to become comparatively small in size, importance, etc 
6.  ( tr ) to stunt the growth of

like a dwarf, especially in being abnormally small; diminutive.
Synonyms: pygmy, tiny, stunted, runty.

pu·ny /ˈpyu ni/  adjective, pu·ni·er, pu·ni·est.
1. of less than normal size and strength; weak.
2. unimportant; insignificant; petty or minor: a puny excuse.
3. Obsolete , puisne.

di·min·u·tive /dɪˈmɪn tɪv/  adjective
1. small; little; tiny: a diminutive building for a model-train layout.
2. Grammar. pertaining to or productive of a form denoting smallness, familiarity, affection, or triviality, as the suffix -let,  in droplet  from drop.
3. a small thing or person.
4. Grammar. a diminutive element or formation.
5. Heraldry. a charge, as an ordinary, smaller in length or breadth than the usual.

in·fin·i·tes·i·mal /ˌɪn fɪn ɪˈtɛs ə məl/  adjective
1. indefinitely or exceedingly small; minute: infinitesimal vessels in the circulatory system.
2. immeasurably small; less than an assignable quantity: to an infinitesimal degree.
3. of, pertaining to, or involving infinitesimals.
4. an infinitesimal quantity.
5. Mathematics . a variable having zero as a limit.

(Adv) infini'tesimally 

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