Monday, September 15, 2014

Active Voice

A.  Write the following sentences in the active voice.
1.   The baby hippo was saved by the villagers and it was put into a pickup truck.
2.    The baby hippo was named Owen by the villagers.
3.    Owen was taken by Dr Paula and Stephen to his new home in Haller Park.
4.    Owen was let out of the truck by Dr Paula.
3.      The next morning, Owen was found by the villagers, snuggled up against Mzee.
4.      Owen was taught how to drink water and eat leaves by Mzee.
5.      The two animals were well looked after by the rangers at the park.
6.      Both Owen and Mzee are now being taken care of by the staff at Haller Park.

B.   Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.
1.   When Owen was about a year old, heavy rains flooded the Sabaki River.
2.   The river washed the hippos down to the coastal town of Malindi.  
3.   On 26 December 2004, the giant waves of the tsunami damaged many fishing
4.   The next day, the villagers could only find one baby hippo.
5.   The villagers used ropes and nets to try to rescue the baby hippo.
6.   Finally, with the help of a man named Owen, the villagers carried the 
      hippo to shore.


Name: _____________________
Class: ______________                                                      Date: _________________

Change the following sentences into questions.  
As hippos move around, they stir up sediments at the bottom of the ponds and release trapped gas.
What happens when hippos move around in a pond?

1.  Hippos move around easily in water and on land they walk or jump.
2.  Hippos are well-adapted to survive in water because of their small ears, eyes and            
 nostrils found at the top of their heads.
3.  If they close their ears and nostrils, they can remain under water for six minutes.
4.  Hippos come out to graze only at night.
5.  At Haller Park, there were four hippos rescued and brought in for safety.
6.  The names of these orphaned hippos at Haller Park are Sally, Potty, Cleo and    


Name: _____________________

Class: ______________                                                      Date: _________________

Fill in the blanks with suitable connectors to show contrast.

1.  Medicines are needed to cure illnesses.  ____________, they can be dangerous if
     children drink them.

2.  The story of the disaster was frightening at times ____________ it was very

3.  Paul loves going to the zoo to feed the animals ____________ he does not have the
     time to do it.

4.  The sea looks choppy. You should put on your life jacket ____________ you could be in trouble. 

5.  Kevin’s parents work very hard to pay for his university fees. ____________, Kevin  
     does not seem interested in doing well at his studies.

6.  The security guard opened the gates to let the journalists through ____________
     none of them drove in.

7.  Harry has learned to manage his time well ____________ he will still have difficulty
     keeping up with his classmates.

8.  The team players decided to pay their share of the expenses.
     ____________, Alan refused to do so.  He feels the management has to bear the      

9.  Linda is so bogged down with household chores that she will not be able to join
     us. ____________, she will sneak out for a short while to have ice cream with us.

10.Maya is going to spend an afternoon with her grandmother _______________  she
     will not cook for her.

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