Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Comprehension Skills(1)

Ex 1
       Rick threw on the emergency brake and jerked the air-horn handle with all his strength. The horn's blast and Anthony's words exploded at the same time, "Kids on the track!"
      Anthony had dealt with emergencies for many years, especially in his police service. Now all his experience took over. He felt his body 'go on automatic'. He sprang through the door and raced to the front of the swaying train.

Q1 List 2 reasons why Rick threw on the emergency brake and jerked the air-horn handle.

Q2 Explain clearly what the expression 'felt his body go on automatic' means.

Ex 2
      It was a banquet in London in honour of Lieutenant Scoresby. There sat the man whom I had heard of so many thousands of times. His name shot to fame after the Crimean battlefield, to remain forever celebrated. He was oblivious to the hundreds of admiring eyes fastened upon him. I caught my companion stealing glances at him. For me, it was the food and drink to look at.

Q1  Which phrase in the passage tells you that there were many people looking at Lieutenant Scoresby?

Ex 3
      But now, suddenly, his labours were interrupted by the tragic death of Aunt Glosspan. She was afflicted in the night by a violet seizure.
      Lexington, her nephew, rushed into her bedroom and found her lying on the bed yelling. Finally, in an effort to cool her down, he fetched a bucket of water from the pond and tipped it over her head. However, this only worsened the situation and the old lady expired within the hour.

Q1 What did the writer mena when he said "the old lady expired within the hour"?

Ex 4
     My grandfather broke his silence when the driver stopped to pay the toll to cross the bridge. I allowed him to indulge in explaining to me that the government collects a fee for usage to settle the cost of constructing the bridge despite being aware of the reason. We soon found ourselves above the sea. If not for my defective camera, I would have taken a photograph of the bridge on my first experience of travelling over it.

Q1  What was the reason why the writer could not take a photograph of the bridge?

Ex 5
        We were sent out of the hall as our contempories voted on who they wished to lead them in all their non-sporting endeavours, but we could still hear everything that was going on.
        The teacher asked,"Who wants to vote for Cheeke?"
        I discovered that if 300 arms are raised simultaneously with enough vehemence, it makes a sound. Whooomph!

Q1 Which word in the passage has the same menaing as "at the same time"?

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