Monday, September 15, 2014


English      SYNTHESIS

Peter had no sooner made up his mind to find a new job than he got a promotion.

Alice had no sooner left the house than it started to rain.

Knowing Alice, I think she will not agree to your plan.

Having taken a nap, Kenny feels fresh and full of energy.

Adam is an unsociable person. Adam is not a sociable person.

Only a gullible person would be taken in by such a feeble excuse. 
No one except a gullible person would be taken in by such a feeble excuse.

There is no better soufflé than this that I have ever tasted in my entire life.
This is the best soufflé that I have ever tasted.

Walter is a magnanimous and generous person. His cousin , Danny, is a petty and stingy person.
In contrast to Walter who is a magnanimous and generous person, his cousin, Danny, is a petty and stingy person.

Mr Abdullah became a teacher last year. He was a policeman before that.
Prior to becoming a teacher last year, Mr Abdullah was a policeman .

James wanted to be on time for his first day of school. The bus he was on broke down and he was late by an hour.
James wanted to be on time for his first day of school but the bus he was on broke down and consequently he was late by an hour.

Ethan studied very hard for his examinations. He wanted to do well and qualify for the scholarship.
Determined to do well and qualify for the scholarship, Ethan studied very hard for his examinations

Eve found her late father's will a year after he had passed away. Only when Eve found her late father's will a year after he passed away did he realise he had owned millions of dollars.

Josh could not stay awake in class because he had not slept the night before. 

Not having

Determined to. 

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