Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Connectors/Time Phrases for Sequence

Identify the connectors/time phrases in the sentences and underline them.


The story of an amazing friendship began on what appeared to be an ordinary day, just after Christmas.


Hours earlier, the tsunami had reached the Malindi shores.


As soon as Owen was untied, he scrambled from the lorry and ran directly to Mzee, a grey-coloured creature about the same size as Owen.


At first sight, Mzee hissed at Owen, then walked away.


Soon, Mzee became used to Owen’s presence.


The following morning, the Haller Park workers witnessed an amazing sight.


Due to Owen’s young age, Dr Kahuma and Mr Tuei thought they would have to feed Owen initially and teach him to find his own food, shelter and water.


Some years before, the back of Mzee’s tortoise shell had been cracked by the bigger and heavier hippopotamus living with him at that time.

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