Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sandie's Composition

An Incident at the MRT Station
            “When is Sister coming? She’s taking forever!” I complained. I was waiting for my sister to come back from tuition. She would be taking the MRT to home, so I was waiting impatiently for her at the MRT station. My legs hurt from standing so I found a seat and settled down on it.
            While waiting, I took out my book to read. When I was at the last chapter, I heard a lot of people shouting. “So irritating! I want to read in peace!” I grumbled. I looked up curiously and saw a group of people around. “What’s happening?” I asked myself and walked closer to get a better look.
            “Ex…excuse me!” I muttered as I squeezed through the boisterous crowd, shoving people who blocked my view. Finally, I got to the front. What was happening? I could feel myself burning and almost exploded as I saw what happened. A group of boys, around the age of sixteen or seventeen, wearing caps and dressing so trendily, was standing near a girl of around seven years old. They were hurling vulgarities at the elfin girl and beating her up.
            “Please believe me! It was an accident!” the girl whimpered, stifling her sobs of fear.
            “You stuck your leg out and caused Terry to trip and fall!” one of them shouted at her, pointing at his friend.
            “I’m sorry. Please forgive me…,” she begged.
            The sight of her being beaten up and her red and wet eyes really made my heart break. I felt like going up to scold them but I was too timid to do so. Why aren’t the other people reacting?
            I could not stand it anymore. Seething with rage, I bravely stepped forward. “Stop it! Just a trivial thing and you’re beating her up? Babies!” I screamed angrily. I clenched my fists, getting ready to fight back if they started beating me up.
            “None of your business, idiot! Scram!” the boy named Terry retorted.
            Just then, one of my friends, Yilin, stepped forward bravely. “Stop bullying the girl!” she hollered. Then my sister also appeared out of nowhere.” My sister is the best! You’d better listen to her!” she barked, “and stop bullying Carine. She’s my best friend.”
            “Oh…so that girl, Carine, is Sister’s friend! We continued nagging until the teenagers could not stand it and took to their heels.
            We brought Carine to find her parents and explained everything that happened to them. After that, we walked home.
            “Sis, you are great! You were the first to stand up to the hooligans.” My sister beamed with pride and responded, “You were brave too.” I brimmed, feeling as if I was floating in the air.
By: Sandie Chan
6 Integrity/2013          

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