Monday, September 15, 2014

One Word, Many Meanings (3) - Great

Sentence 1
The ball at the castle was a great occasion.
Meaning 1
Splendid, grand, magnificent

Sentence 2
A great stretch of woodland formed part of the estate.
Meaning 2
Large, big, extensive, huge, vast

Sentence 3
Great damage was caused by the bomb.
Meaning 3
Much, considerable, substantial

Sentence 4
Many of the great people of the land attended the royal ball.
Meaning 4
Top, leading, important, notable, eminent, distinguished

Sentence 5
Alice must be a great idiot to trust Ned again.
Meaning 5
Complete, absolute, utter, total

Sentence 6
The great thing to do is to remain calm./ That was a great moment in the history of the club.
Meaning 6
Important, vital, crucial

Sentence 7
The bridal couple looked great.
Meaning 7
Attractive, good-looking, beautiful, handsome, wonderful, sensational

Sentence 8
The boys are great soccer fans.
Meaning 8
Enthusiastic, keen, eager, devoted

Sentence 9
Fandi used to be one of the country’s great soccer player.
Meaning 9
Expert, talented, able, skilful, ace (informal)

Sentence 10
The children had a great time at the beach.
Meaning 10
Enjoyable, wonderful, marvellous, splendid, terrific, fantastic

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