Monday, September 15, 2014

Tenses 2

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.         She ___________________ (cook) all day so she feels tired.

2.         They ___________________ (smoke) some salmon for dinner last night.

3.         Refrigeration ___________________ (help) to keep food fresh for a longer           period of time.

4.         Too much salt ___________________ (be) harmful to the heart and other             important organs of the body.

5.         They ___________________ (eat) bak kwa at every home they visited since the
            start of Chinese New Year.

6.         The slices of orange peel ___________________ (shrivel) after they were left      in the sun for a few days.

7.         Hunters in the past ___________________ (preserve) meat using the drying       method.

8.         Jenny ___________________ (stir) the pot of milk for a long time but it still has  not curdled.

9.         People ___________________ (ferment) milk to make cheese and yoghurt since           ancient times.

10.       It was a hot day and all the laundry that was left in the field  ________________            (dry).

11.       Brine ___________________ (be) a pickling liquid often made from the juices of
           citrus fruits.  

12.       The bacteria in some food ___________________ (be) actually good bacteria      that ___________________ (aid) digestion. 

Name: __________________________
Class: __________________________                                            Date:_________________

Fill in the blanks using an appropriate connector.

1.    He did not drink enough as he ran the marathon. ___________________, he was dehydrated when he reached the finishing line.

2.    The chocolates are expensive. ___________________, we bought them.

3.    Mother was unwell. ___________________, she woke early to prepare breakfast.

4.    The bread was left on the table for days. ___________________, mould began to grow on it.

5.    The packet of biscuits had gone stale. ___________________, Sam ate them as he was very hungry.

6.    Jenny does not like vegetables. ___________________, she ate them because Mother was watching.

7.    Ken has been taking vitamins to improve his health. ___________________, he has not fallen ill for some time.

8.    Pickled food lasts longer and does not contain any harmful chemicals. ___________________, it is not very nutritious.

9.    Ginny added too many eggs to the mixture. ___________________, the cake was too soft.
10.  The kimchi was spicy. ___________________, the children enjoyed it.

Name: __________________________
Class: __________________________                                            Date:_________________

Change the given active voice sentences to the passive voice. Your answer must be in one sentence and the meaning of your sentence must be the same as the given sentences.

1.    Maria kept the fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

2.    The vineyard workers picked the grapes, washed them and put them into a press.

3.    Mrs Rahim made the delicious cookies by hand.

4.    Daniel marinated the chicken wings for the barbeque.

5.    They ate all the beef jerky before we got to the party.

6.    The children drink milk for breakfast everyday.



Name: __________________________
Class: __________________________                                            Date:_________________

Combine each pair of sentences using the connector given.

1.         Mary likes to cook. Sandy likes to cook. (both…and)   


2.         I do not like cheese. I do not like yoghurt. (neither…nor)


3.         We could have burgers for dinner. We could have pizzas for dinner. (either…or)


4.         The oranges are sweet. The grapes are sweet. (both…and)


5.         Keep the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Throw away the leftovers. (either…or)


6.         The cookies cannot be eaten. The tarts cannot be eaten. (neither…nor)


7.         The children did not eat well. The children did not sleep well. (neither…nor)

8.         Sam will cook dinner tonight. Mindy will cook dinner tonight. (either…or)

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