Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Rewrite the sentences with the correct punctuation.

  1. timothy is the president of the befrienders club. timothys speech will be made tomorrow.


  1. mummy says I’m not old enough to go to the next olympic games but I may watch it on tv when the games begin i said.


  1. mr ongs bus will arrive soon. the bus with the big blue sign is his.


  1. the soldiers aren’t going to give up their freedom. they can’t go back to their country.


5.     national day is a big celebration in singapore. all singaporeans are especially
       proud of this day, aren’t they? 




Name: _____________________

Class:______________________                                               Date:_____________

For each question, choose a connector from the box below. Use it to combine the two given sentences into one.

and                 as well as                  because                     as                    since


  1. I was doing my homework. I heard a loud noise.

  1. Jimmy is tired. Jimmy is hungry.

  1. My grandmother wanted to make a cup of coffee. My grandmother boiled water.

  1. The police told us to lock our doors. The police told us to lock our windows.

  1. Mary’s birthday is coming soon. Mary is expecting a birthday present.


Name: _____________________

Class:______________________                                               Date:_____________

Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets.

1.       Jane is selected for the music competition _________ she can play the violin very well.
(1) so that            (2) but             (3) because               (4) however               (        )             
2.     Please move in _________ more people can get on the train.
(1) so that            (2) but             (3) and                       (4) as well as             (        )

3.     There was a blackout_________ I heard loud screaming coming from the house.
       (1) so                   (2) since         (3) finally                   (4) next                       (        )

4.     Mr Lim is a friendly _________ generous teacher.
       (1) but                  (2) and           (3) because               (4) since                     (        )
5.     We can’t carry the bag _________ it is too heavy.
       (1) because        (2) and           (3) as well as             (4) but                         (        )

6.     The firemen broke the lock _________they could save the little girl.
       (1) finally             (2) first            (3) because               (4) so that                  (        )

7.     You must work hard _________ you want to get the first prize this year.
       (1) but                  (2) if                (3) as well as             (4) and                       (        )

8.     Jenny is pretty _________ her sister is prettier.
       (1) and                 (2) for              (3) as                          (4) since                     (        )

9.     My sister got into trouble _________ she didn’t follow instructions.
       (1) since              (2) so              (3) as well as             (4) however               (        )

10.  I have not been home_________ yesterday.
            (1) as              (2) because               (3) since         (4) but            

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