Monday, September 15, 2014

Vocab in sentences or paragraphs

I jumped at the chance immediately. He was lying on the ground – dead. As Jackson crawled through the gap, a search picked him out. Jackson suddenly stopped in his tracks and fell on his face, lying very still.
I looked up from my desk and saw a stranger. He was a big tall man with a gruesome long knife in his hand. There was blood on it. He was staring at me and breathing heavily. I knew I was in danger.
I quickly moved to the right and ran away like an escaped prisoner. The stranger followed me. I went downstairs and dashed into the AVA room. It was dark inside. It was a good place to conceal myself.
“Creak!” went the hinges of the door. “Tramp, tramp …” The footsteps stopped. My heart sank heavily.
Cuddle up under the blanket
My face was shining with happiness
When it was our turn, my hands were shivering.
I fell and the audience burst into fits of giggles.
The audience applauded warmly.
The judges announced that we had won the first prize. I was in a blissful state. Tears of happiness flowed down my cheeks when I represented my group to collect the trophy.
I still have not forgotten that frightening experience which happened a few years ago. How can I forget it?
We related the incident to our family who were thrilled to hear of our civic-mindedness.
Rising flood waters forced the elderly commuters and I to stand on the seats at a bus-stop. I felt uneasy and was very worried because I could not find any alternative route to safety.
After scolding me for my recklessness, he calmed down and began to clean his shirt. I hastened home to fetch some water and some medicine. I helped him clean his shirt and apply the medicine on his injured forehead. Immediately, he started to scream in pain again. Alas! In my hurry, I had fetched the wrong medicine which had made the pain even worse. I was stunned and stood there motionless. I did not know what to do. This time, he did not forgive me. He pushed me on the ground, picked up his broken glasses and walked away angrily, grumbling aloud to himself. I did not hear what he was saying. I was cursing myself for being so careless and stupid.
“Cruck, cruck, cruck,” went the sound as they cracked their melon seeds loudly. How embarraseed they were when everyone began to look at them. I felt irritated because it was the most interesting part of the show.
With her hands akimbo, she yelled at the boy.
The sight of Choi, trying to hide behind the water jar, made her temper worse.
She shuffled back to her baskets, put the bowl of tapioca dumplings on the bamboo tray, mumbling something to herself the way old folks do, touched this and that for a moment, then …
Tottering a little, she trudged from the house.

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