Monday, September 15, 2014


Give the meaning of the underlined words or phrases in the following sentences.

1.  Juliet is the apple of her father’s eye.
     What does apple of her father’s eye mean?

2.   Sean has been working on this project for the past twelve hours.  He is dead tired.
      What does dead tired mean?


3.   Everyone in the class thinks that Jeremy is a lion-hearted person.
      What does lion-hearted mean?


4.   Leon is such a mule.  No one can change his mind about going to the camp.
      What does such a mule mean?


5.   The concert was fantastic.  The cultural group performances blew me away. 
      What does blew me away mean?


6.   Rita chooses the right accessories for all her outfits. She has a great taste in  
      What does a great taste in fashion mean?



Name: _____________________
Class: ______________                                                      Date:_________________

Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets.  Use the simple past tense or past continuous tense.

  1.  A customs officer _______________ (notice) that a passenger 
      _______________ (walk) in a strange manner, so he _______________
      (stop) her.

2.   Mark _______________ (begin) to feel faint when the doctor finally      
      _______________ (arrive).  His mother _______________(start) to panic
     because he suddenly _______________ (vomit).

     3.  His book, _______________ (base) on a true story, _______________ (become) 
          a best-seller.  People all over the world _______________ (rush) to get a copy of

4.  The earthquake _______________ (trigger) a series of devastating tsunamis 

     along the coast of landmasses that _______________ (border) the Indian


    5.    While she _______________(wash) the rice in the pot, Keith

           _______________  (leave) the house in a hurry.

6.    The surgeon _______________ (can hear) the voices distinctly coming from the

       operating theatre.  When he _______________ (go) to check, he

       _______________ (find) the attendants _______________ (quarrel) with one


1.     Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets.

                       An earthquake _______________ (erupt) in Indonesia last week.  It

           _______________ (last) for a few minutes.  Buildings _______________

           (collapse) and people _______________ (run) to save themselves.  A large

           number of people _______________ (die) while many others _______________

          (suffer) serious injuries.  When the earthquake _______________ (stop), people

           _______________ (walk)  around, very much in a daze.  Many of them were

          grief stricken because they had lost their loved ones in this tragic disaster.



Name: _____________________

Class: ______________                                                      Date:_________________

Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech.  

1.  “You promised that I could have another pet,” Maria said to her 


2.   “The pet shop advertised that they are having a sale today,” said Maria’s mother.



3.  “I dreamt that I was given a hamster for my birthday!” exclaimed Maria.



4. Maria’s mother said, “Maria, you cannot have such animals because you have           



5.  “I thought it would be fun to see how playful hamsters can be,” said Maria.



Name: _____________________


Class: ______________________                             Date:_____________

A)  Rewrite the following sentences. Exchange the places of the underlined direct and
      indirect objects.

1.    Lily cooked her grandmother a bowl of noodles.

2.   John sent an e-mail to his friend in America.

3.   The ladies prepared a feast for the elderly.

4.   Mr Lee taught the boys three languages.

5.   Could you buy me an ice cream?

6.   Dr Kahuma made a cozy home for Owen.

7.   Tom offered his seat to an old lady.

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