Monday, September 15, 2014

One Word, Many Meanings (1) - 'Dead'

One Word, Different Meanings

Sentence 1
(informal) I feel dead after that long walk.
Meaning 1
Exhausted, worn out, tired out, tired

Sentence 2
Jim’s parents were dead to his pleas for more money.
Meaning 2
Unresponsive, indifferent, unmoved by, unsympathetic

Sentence 3
The subject is dead - no one wants to discuss it any more.
Meaning 3
Outdated, outmoded, past

Sentence 4
It was a dead certainty that Mark would win.
Meaning 4
Complete, utter, absolute

Sentence 5
Jackie sat there with a dead look on her face.
Meaning 5
Expressionless, emotionless, blank, empty

Sentence 6
I was kneeling down and my foot went dead.
Meaning 6
Numb, without feeling

Sentence 7
The phone is dead – I must report the fault.
Meaning 7
Not working, inoperative, off

Sentence 8
The train came to a dead halt.
Meaning 8
Abrupt, sudden

Sentence 9
Bill complained that the seaside resort was dead in the winter.
Meaning 9
Dull, boring, uneventful, inactive.

Sentence 10
Meg’s father has been dead for two years.
Meaning 10
Deceased, passed away, gone, late (Meg’s  late father)

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