Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Vocabulary for Composition topics

Composition 1 (Picture – incident at the mall)
1.        under the blazing sun
2.        The cool air-conditioned shopping mall was filled with the screams and giggles of boisterous children and the loud chatter of eager housewives.
3.        squeezed my way through a sea of people
4.        skin gleamed with a film of perspiration
5.        A gentleman, immaculately attired with long-sleeved shirt and tie, was carrying a briefcase.
6.        His hair was meticulously styled.
7.        I held my breath, praying earnestly that the man would not look up and noticed us.
8.        grinned cheekily/sheepishly
9.        cringed with embarrassment
10.    scared out of her wits and not knowing how to react
11.    swallowed the scream of fear that was fast rising to her throat
12.    envisioned the worst possible outcome
13.    a million thoughts went through my mind
14.    no laughing matter: something very serious
15.    to face the music: to take scolding or punishment without complaining
16.    gnashed his teeth : to show his anger
17.    looked daggers at the girls
18.    hurled abuses in utter frustration
19.    the vehement (forceful) male voice was livid with fury
20.    apologised profusely to the man

Composition 2 (Continuous Writing - elderly woman walking unsteadily)
1.      shattered the peacefulness of the afternoon
2.      the old woman looked bone-thin and frail
3.      became a nervous wreck
4.      Hordes of students thronged the bus-stop.
5.      Excited students were bustling about the bus-stop, waiting for their transport.
6.      frustration was etched all over her face
7.      plunged into the abyss of despair
8.      oblivious to the plight of the old woman
9.      her sudden attacks of dizziness
10.  plagued by ill health
11.  sympathy surged in our hearts
12.  Screaming for help, she stifled a sob as a fresh bout of tears streamed down her face.
13.  choked with emotion
14.  “Thank you,” she mouthed wordlessly and pursed her trembling lips.
15.  A series of ambulance sirens echoed through the air.
16.  The paramedics galvanised into action and worked efficiently to attend to the injured old woman.
17.  The ambulance whizzed off to the hospital immediately.
18.  Actions speak louder than words: one’s actions tell more than his words
19.  Blood is thicker than water: kinship is the strongest
20.  Her heart swelled with joy and bliss: her heart was filled with happiness and contentment

Composition 3 (Continuous Writing – people running out of the shop)
1.      Concern was written all over my face
2.      Perplexed, she had a somewhat befuddled look on her face.
3.      Dazed and confused, she stood wide-eyed at what was happening before her.
4.      I scanned the crowd for assistance.
5.      People were wearing expressions of perplexity and despair.
6.      The disoriented lady was unable to speak coherently.
7.      Chaos reigned. Everywhere, people were taking off in all directions with fear visibly etched on all their faces.
8.      It was an unnerving pandemonium as people shoved their way through to escape.
9.      An earth-shattering stampede rumbled as everyone ran helter-skelter.
10.  I took some time to recover from the bewildering scene.
11.  I caught sight of the culprit before he disappeared round the corner.
12.  Enthusiasm shone on their faces as they bee-lined towards the attraction.
13.  Exuberance swelled in my heart
14.  Poor anger management led to aggressive behaviour towards others.
15.  He was a pitiable sight
16.  A wide grin plastered over her cheery face
17.   Terrifying images permeated my imagination.
18.  As dreadful as a gathering storm
19.  As obstinate as a mule
20.  To see the light at the end of the tunnel: to see an end to the problem.

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