Monday, September 15, 2014

Situational Writing

Task 1: I am writing to persuade a friend to go to a bowling camp with me.
Audience: My friend
Tone and language: Informal and friendly
Dear Brian,
Would you like to learn bowling? Well, here is your chance! I saw a notice about a bowling camp, and it looks really exciting!
The camp will be held at the Queens Bowling Centre from 15 to 17 March. Lessons will be conducted between 6 pm and 8 pm. It costs only $30, which includes bowling shoes and balls. If we sign up before 10 March, we will enjoy a 10% discount. The other terrific thing is we get a T-shirt free.
It will be a lot of fun if we do it together. Besides, it will help us keep fit and in shape!
Get back to me soon!
Task 2: I am writing a notice to seek the help of residents in finding my lost wallet.
Audience: The residents in my HDB estate
Tone and language: formal, serious and urgent
Dear Residents,
I have lost my wallet!
Can you please help me? I am looking for my wallet which I lost last Sunday afternoon, 29 March, at the playground between blocks 52 and 55.
It is a black leather wallet, which contains my identity card, some cash and a few family photographs. The wallet was a present from my dear grandmother who passed away this year. The family photographs, which we took before she died, are of sentimental value.
Please call Jeff at 67890213 or email with any information.
A reward will be offered.

Task 3: I am writing a report to the Principal about a graffiti incident at school.
Audience: My school principal
Tone and language: formal and factual
Dear Principal,
Report on Graffiti Incident
I was on prefect duty on Friday, 3 April 2013, at 2.35 pm when I witnessed two boys defacing the back wall of the canteen with graffiti. They were Sunny Bala from class 6G and Peter Sng from 6H.
The boys were scribbling and drawing on the wall, laughing and having fun. When confronted, they apologised for their misdeed, and promised never to do it again. The boys began to scrub off the graffiti while I watched over them until the wall was completely clean. After that, I led them to the General Office for the principal to deal with them.
Martin Chew
Prefect of P6A
3 April 2013
Task 4: I am writing to complain about my neighbour’s wet mop which drips water on our clothes..
Audience: my neighbours
Tone and language: formal, courteous and serious
9 July 2013
The Tenants,
Block 229, Ho Kang Ave 1
Singapore 257229
Dear Neighbours,
I wish to express my concerns regarding your wet mop which drips on our clean clothes when you hang it out of your window.
On Wednesday, 8 July, I hung my new blouse on the pole to dry. When I went to collect it, I was horrified to see dirty stains on it. When I looked up, I saw water dripping from your mop directly onto our washing. I was very upset as it was my favourite blouse, which is now ruined. Furthermore, I would like to inform you that our dry clothes sometimes get wet with the drips from your washing.
I would appreciate it if you could place your wet mop in the bathroom or kitchen, and if you could refrain from hanging your wet clothes out when our dry clothes are still on the line.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours faithfully,
Ginnie Ong
Ginnie Ong (Miss)
Task 5: I am writing a speech to accept an award and to thank those who made it possible.
Audience: The Vice-Principal, teachers and fellow schoolmates
Tone and language: formal and sincere
Good afternoon Mrs Lim, our Vice-Principal, Teachers and Schoolmates,
As you have just heard, my name is Alan Chow and I am very happy to receive the Most Improved Student Award.
First, I would like to thank the school for the award and the book prize. I have worked extremely hard to improve my results and I must thank my teacher, Mrs Seow, who encouraged me, and urged me to complete all my schoolwork on time. Next, I must thank my parents, who have always believed in me and really proud that I have won this award.
I am looking forward to reading the book that I have just received. I am sure it will encourage me to continue to work hard next year. Finally, I would like to say to everyone that if you are determined and work hard, you will succeed.

Task 6: I am writing a letter to complain about the rude service at a restaurant.
Audience: The restaurant manager
Tone and language: formal and serious
Dear Sir,
I am writing to complain about the poor service my family and I received at your restaurant last Sunday evening, 10 May 2013.
We arrived at the restaurant at 7.30 pm. When we asked the waiter if we could order some food, he told us to wait as he was too busy. After waiting for more than fifteen minutes, he finally took our orders. When our food had not arrived, we tried to get the waiter’s attention. However, he simply ignored us. My parents were very distressed and I was tense and upset. Our Mother’s Day celebration dinner was ruined.
I strongly believe that your restaurant owes my parents an apology. I hope to receive one from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Sarah Chung
Task 7: I am writing to give information about my hometown
Audience: My pen-pal, Freda
Tone and language: informal and friendly
Dear Freda,
I am thrilled that you are coming to visit us soon. It will be wonderful to meet you in person. Let me tell you a little about my hometown.
It is called Maryland, and it is a seaside town with about fifty thousand people. We are very lucky as most flats have a sea view, including ours. At weekends, we usually go rollerblading or cycling at East Bay Park. Sometimes we have barbecue parties by the sea! When we are not at the beach or park, we are at the Recreation Centre, which is only a five-minute walk away. It is also a really popular spot for dining.
There are lots of amenities such as shopping malls, cinemas, fast-food outlets, libraries and fitness clubs. In fact, I would not live anywhere else!
Your good friend,

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