Monday, September 15, 2014

One Word, Many Meanings (2) - Have

Sentence 1
The Nathans have three cars.
Meaning 1
Possess, own, maintain

Sentence 2
The cottage has two bedrooms.
Meaning 2
Contain, comprise

Sentence 3
Rose had had a lot of joy in her life.
Meaning 3
Experience, encounter, meet with

Sentence 4
The criminal seemed to have no remorse.
Meaning 4
Express, show, display, demonstrate, exhibit

Sentence 5
The teacher said that she would not have such behaviour in the classroom.
Meaning 5
Allow, permit, tolerate, put up with, stand
Sentence 6
Sue had no doubts about marrying Peter.
Meaning 6
Feel, entertain, harbour

Sentence 7
They had an amusing evening at the funfair.
Meaning 7
Enjoy, experience

Sentence 8
They had lunch around noon.
Meaning 8
Eat, take

Sentence 9
Molly had her baby in the local maternity hospital.
Meaning 9
Give birth to, be delivered of

Sentence 10
Jane had a lot of gifts when she got married.
Meaning 10
Receive, get, be given, obtain

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